movie night pt. 2

419 9 15

a/n art is not mine :3

Cody's POV

Me and Noah had found a seat on the couch, where I was leaning against him. Geoff was taking movie suggestions for everyone. I raised my hand.

"If you say It..." Noah mumbled, giving me a small smile. I just grinned at him.

"Codemeister! What movie, dude?" Geoff asked.

"I think we should watch It," I told him.

"Awesome, awesome!" Geoff responded.

I turned back to Noah, smiling. "What? I couldn't help myself."

More people gave suggestions, and soon everyone was just throwing out horror suggestions.

"Maybe something that's not, y'know, scary?" Sadie asked, Katie nodding in agreement.

"No, we need a scary movie!" Gwen said, starting to explain. "That way when someone gets scared, they can be held by their significant other for comfort!"

Everyone looked at her, unamused.

"What?" she asked. "It's something that always happens in those cheesy romance movies."

"You watch romance movies?" Noah asked beside me.

"You don't?" she retorted.

"Hey, I never said I didn't!" Noah answered with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" Geoff yelled out. "How about a classic: Scream!"

Everyone in the living room seemed to agree, so Dj went in the kitchen to make tons of popcorn. Geoff started setting up the movie and threw everyone blankets and pillows "in case we get scared."

Dj came back in and started passing around popcorn, which he said we would have to continue to pass the bowls around to everyone.

The movie started, and Casey Becker came on screen.

"She's so hot," someone whispered, probably Gwen because of the offended shush Courtney gave.

The first jumpscare came up, and yes, maybe I jumped. But I felt Noah jump next to me. I turned to him, laughing quietly. He looked back at me, a grin appearing on his face.

A few pieces of popcorn were thrown at us. I turned my head to see Duncan, hand full of more popcorn.

"Shut up!" he whispered harshly.

"Touchy," Noah said, snorting. "Someone's mad that his boyfriend won't cuddle with him."

Duncan glared at Noah as laughs and snickers spread throughout the group.

time skip cause i aint writing a full movie😮‍💨🔥🔥

Duncans POV

The movie finished, and everyone cheered and clapped. They were acting as if we were in the movie theater watching the FNAF movie or some shit.

I got up, wiping off pieces off popcorn that had fallen on me off of my shirt and pants. Trent looked at me and snickered.

"What?" I asked him.

"How do you get that much popcorn stuck on you?" he asked me, still laughing.

I just grinned, continuing to wipe kernels and pieces of popcorn off of me.

"Alright, dudes!" Geoff exclaimed to everyone. "Get some good sleep! Thanks for coming!"

Me and Trent started to walk out, and soon everyone followed. We all waved bye to Geoff and Bridgette, and everyone went their separate ways.

487 words! sorry if this was kinda uneventful lolz

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