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-the gayest group-

Geoff: alrighty dudes and dudettes

Geoff: let's get this party started

Dj: MOVIE NIGHT!! not party :)

Duncan's POV

I find it pretty dumb that they rejected my idea of unhealthy amounts of alcohol. That's why I rejected their idea. Once a rule breaker, always a rule breaker. I hope Trent doesn't get mad at me...

"Please tell me you didn't actually bring any," Trent says as he gets in the passenger side of my car.

"Okay, don't get mad," I start. He looks over at me, clearly mad. "What? I couldn't help myself!"

"You have a problem, man," Trent responds.

"You can't tell me not to do something and expect me not to do it."

"But if we said 'Yeah, Duncan! Bring as much alcohol you want!' You would still do it."


Trent rolled his eyes and scoffed, but I saw a faint smile appearing on his face.

Trent's POV

God, he is such an idiot. I sort of expected this to happen, but I thought maybe he would actually listen for once. How did I end up dating him?

We get to Geoff and Bridgette's place, and hop out of the car. As we walk up to the front door, others start to arrive. Noah and Cody give a small wave as we all enter, Izzy saying a very loud 'hi' as she drags Eva in. Ezekiel, who I didn't even know was coming, does his rounds saying "whaddup" to everyone.

How am I friends with all of these people?

Duncan sets the alcohol in the bar, and Geoff just eyes him.

"Duncan, man, I knew you were gonna do this," he says.

"Who didn't?" Duncan asks in response, grinning.

Ezekiel's POV (i'm tryna be inclusive guys)

"Yo, yo, yo!" I say as I see more people entering. "What's up, dudes?"

"Dudes?" Eva asks, Izzy and her staring at me.

"Well- that was, like, general term," I respond sheepishly. They turn and walk away.


I walk into the living room, where everyone seems to be. But even though everyone's in that one confined space, I feel like I'm the only one there. Everyone's in their own groups doing their own things. I'm just standing here awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, Ezekiel!" a voice calls to me. I turn towards the voice, and see that Harold had called my name. The Drama Brothers were in their own group, but Harold and Cody were looking expectantly at me.

"Uh, yeah?" I ask, walking over to them.

"We're gonna play Uno!" Cody says, excited. "Wanna join?"

"Oh. Sure!" I respond, my face lighting up.

I sit down with them and Justin deals the cards. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad.

Beth's POV

I was so excited for this movie night! Even though, like, no one talks to me besides, like, Lindsay and a few others, I was happy to at least be invited! I think people have started to like me a bit more.

"OMG, we should all give each other makeovers!" Lindsay suggested. Lindsay, Sierra, Sadie, Katie, and I were all in a room, hanging out. We've all become pretty good friends, and have even gotten Heather to join us a few times.

"YES!!!" Katie and Sadie both squeal.

Lindsay grabs her makeup bag, and starts to organize everything on the floor.

"Okay, Katie and Sadie can do each other and..." she starts. "We don't have enough people!"

"We can both do Beth, or you two can do me, or we can do you!" Sierra suggests.

"I have a better idea," Lindsay says before standing up. "You guys can get started if you want!"

"I wanna see what you're planning on doing," I say, standing up as well. Lindsay nods, and I follow her out.

We walk through countless halls and past countless doors before coming to the living room. I watch as Lindsay's eyes scan the room, before falling on one person. She grabs my wrist and I follow as she walks up to Heather.

"H...Heavely..." Lindsay says quietly, struggling  a bit. "No. H- Hope? Wait, no! Heather!"

Heather turns around, and notices Lindsay and I. Her eyes go wide as she walks over.

"Did Linds-idiot remember my name?" she asks me. I just nod.

"Heather!" Lindsay says again. "Wanna join us? We're doing makeovers and need one more person."

"...why not?" Heather says after a long moment of silence. She follows us back to the room. Sadie is with Katie, Lindsay is with Heather, and Sierra is with me. We all have a pretty good time.

Courtney's POV

The movie starts soon, but to pass time we started karaoke. Of course I went up. And of course I dragged Gwen up there with me. We sang Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus.



It was super fun. Then Cody dragged Noah into karaoke, which I could tell Noah was not excited for. They ended up singing Buddy Holly by Weezer, and it was clear Noah started to have fun. Cody even made the guitar sounds of the Buddy Holly lick.

I think they started some trend between the Drama Brothers, because then Trent made Duncan sing with him and they sung Pink Triangle by Weezer.

Then went up Harold and Leshawna, singing Say It Ain't So by Weezer.

And since Justin didn't have a significant other to sing with, all the Drama Brothers went up and sang El Scorcho by, you guessed it, Weezer.

But then Cody and Trent went up again and sang There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths.

Gwen and I went up one last time and sang Mr Brightside by The Killers, and then that was the end of that.

Everyone met in the living room, and I saw Heather walk in with Lindsay, Beth, Sierra, Katie, and Sadie. A small smile creeped onto my face. Then, Geoff walked up in front of the TV, got us all to quiet down, and asked the most important question of the night:

"So, what movie do we watch?"

1026 words

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