nineteen: fire and ice

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▂▂▂▂▂ act one , chapter nineteen
Space ▂▂▂▂▂

❝i wish things had been different so you didn't have to do that

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❝i wish things had been different so you didn't have to do that.❞

SPACE RANGER STEIN, as it turns out, was exactly who they needed to bring some spark back to the team on the Acheron after feeling so low from Rory's actions.

And Elle believed that Rip's plan would quite literally suck that spark right back up because, rest assured, the captain's plan was a tad bit... insane. But it was all they had, so they were going with it.

The Anders girl briskly walked the Acheron's corridors with Captain Baxter leading the way around her ship and the two halves of Firestorm on either side of the teenager. Part of Rip's outlandish plan was them drawing all the time pirates to the same hallway apart from Valor, whom Rip was taking care of on the bridge. Essentially, the four were the bait of the plan, and while Elle wasn't too happy about the fact, she really couldn't dispute it, given that she couldn't come up with a better idea to get rid of the pirates.

"So, uh," Elle began veering her head around to see if they were indeed doing what they were supposed to and leading the time pirates away from the bridge, but she couldn't see any in her sight line, "how do we know if the pirates are following us?"

"Gilbert?" Captain Baxter spoke to her AI, hoping he would answer the Anders girl's query — preferably in their plan's favor.

Which it was, though, to any sane person, it wouldn't sound like it. "The time pirates are indeed ten seconds behind you and closing."

Elle hummed as the Professor declared, "That doesn't give us much time."

"You think Rip's plan will work?" Jefferson wondered towards the Acheron's captain, and when she gave a simple look, the twenty-year-old chuckled shortly. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Let's just hope it doesn't kill us all," Elle murmured lowly. "I don't feel like dying today."

In return, the teenager was met with three heads nodding in agreement as they turned a corner, finally making it to their intended location near the bulkhead doors of the Acheron. All four knew there wasn't any time to waste as they came to a halt, Elle's head snapping from one end of the corridor to the other, just waiting for the pirates to arrive. Their plan had to work. Otherwise, they'd be screwed — Stein was the only one with a weapon, and even if he could pass it off to Elle or Captain Baxter and merge with Jefferson, who knew what kind of damage that much nuclear power would do to the ship.

The ten seconds it took for the pirates to reach them felt like an eternity, especially as Stein spoke through the comm to Rip, informing him that they were in their rightful spot.

Solar ; 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘸Where stories live. Discover now