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'We took the wrong girl.'


'Yeah, I - I have no idea who this is.' He pointed at me

The two guys screamed at him, both smacking him at the same time over the head.

'How. The fuck. Did you. Manage. That?!' The blonde guy chased him around the room, kicking him in the ass between each word while he ran in a circle, covering it

'So you're telling me that we just kidnapped someone?' The brown haired one asks, making the other two freeze

The obvious dread washed over them, and they both looked at me. They look more scared than me.

'Oh my god. We are going to jail!' The man child crouched and covered his head, hanging it between his knees

'You truly are beyond retarded!' The blonde guy kicked him in the butt again, making him fall forward on his knees. 'How do you fuck up THIS BAD?!'

'It was too dark! I thought it was her!!' His eyes opened wide and they reminded me of a baby deer. He's so childlike.

They started yet another fight, but this time panicking about how they would spend their lives in prison.

I took a moment while they were arguing to take a look around, and only now noticed that we were in some sort of basement, but it wasn't an old, fallen apart one.

The place was fairly okay. No wet corners and stale smell. The lighting was a bit crap, almost yellow, but what can you expect from a basement. It does seem like some sort of room they made for fun at it has a sofa in the corner and a pool table that looks a bit old. The walls are some kind of white brick contrasting the darker wooden ground.

'... kill.'

The word "kill" pulled me back to them, but I quickly realised they weren't talking about me. They were talking about killing the young guy because he's so stupid, while he kept putting his arms up and telling them to come at him if they are so sure they can take him on.

'Oi, Dumb, Dumber and the Dumbest.' All three of them turned to me in an instant, shocked all over again. 'Can you let me go if you don't need me?'

'What's - what's your name?' The Blondie asks

I sighed deeply, but decided to answer. 'Shinae Moon. Yours?'

'Don't tell her!'

'Listen up. Brownie, Blondie, and Bambi. Whether I know your names or not won't change a thing. You already kidnapped me.'

'Yeah but if we don't tell you, you can't report us.' Bambi crossed his arms to look all tough, but he's as nervous as he could get

'I can just bring the police here.'

'That's - a good point.' He clicked his tongue in annoyance while the Blondie was giving him the bombastic sideeye. 'Well you - you can't report us if we don't let you go! Huh! How about that?' He got all brave, placing his hands on his hips, arguing like he's a little, sassy girl

I got up from my chair and threw the bag on the floor, and all three of them took a step back, with the Bambi boy pushing the Brownie at the front of him, hiding behind him. It's like I kidnapped them.

'Then are you going to keep me here? Forever?' I raise my eyebrow, and three of them kept looking at each other, having no answer. 'That's what I thought.' I cross my arms on my chest. 'Now, if you could show me where the exit is, I'd much appreciate it.'

'Fuck it. I'll go turn myself in. I don't wanna go out on my fucking exam tomorrow anyway!'

'You're going to turn yourself in because you didn't study?' Brownie looks at him, bewildered by the seeping lunacy from the Bambi guy

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