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'Where are we even going?' Taehyung asked once we got inside my car

'I need to buy some furniture for my room. I need a new bedside table and vanity and such.'

'Rich people problems.' Jimin muttered to himself, looking out the window

I ignored him and instead focused on the mini concert the guys in the back were holding, screeching some terrible songs. Or maybe they made them sound terrible. Whatever it was, it was hilarious. It sure never is boring with them around.

I drove us to a massive leisure centre, and a son as we got in, they looked almost lost. But, to be honest, the place is massive.

'Where to?' Jimin asks, trying to seem normal, but he was a bit nervous, tapping his fingers on his thighs as he hooked his thumbs on the pockets of his jeans

'I have no idea. Let's roam. See what they have.'

They might have looked a bit nervous, but they relaxed pretty soon and it was like letting kids loose in an amusement park.

We lost Jungkook the moment he saw the gaming chairs and decided to test each and every one of them, giggling in happiness. Taehyung disappeared into the wardrobe section, opening and closing random doors. And Jimin just walked beside me silently, scanning everything around himself, but not actually looking at anything.

'Nothing interesting?' I ask, purely to break the awkward silence

'Not really. Didn't come here for myself, did I?'

'For someone who says he can't stand me, you sure love staying close to me.' I tease

'Okay. Bye.' He just swerved away with the speed of light, walking off into the most random kitchen department

I walked around a bit in my own, checking out what I had come here for. I managed to locate the bedside table I liked, but I couldn't find the guys. I would call, but we never actually exchanged numbers, and I only realised that now.

This is gonna be a fun game.

I located Jungkook first. He was in the same department as before. Gaming chairs. He was sitting in a massive, black one, spinning around in it with a massive grin.

'Attention, customers. We have found a lost child in the chair section. Please, parents, come pick him up.'

He spun around to look at me, snickering at my joke. 'But, moooom! I'm having so much fuuuuun!' He laughed and hopped off the chair, coming over. 'Where are the others?'

'I was wondering the same. It's like hide and seek. Let's find them.'

'I know where Taehyung is. Let's get him first.'

I followed him and it's like he knew the exact spot where Taehyung was going to be at. And it was weird as hell.

He was looking and laughing at the chairs that seemed to have an ass. White chairs sculpted based off of a kneeling woman, with the ass cheeks being where the back rest is. I have never seen something weirder.

 I have never seen something weirder

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