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'Have you ever met miss Dowen outside of work hours?'


'Did you have her contact number?'

'Yes. She was my superior. I had to have it. Like many others in the company.'

'Have you ever used the number?'

'Only when it was work related. If I had to guess, I wouls say it happened maybe 5 times.'

'Would you say Miss Dowen was making advances since the beggining?'

'No. It only started happening about 2 months after she had come to the company...'

I listened to Jimin answer my fathers questions for a millionth time, asking him the same questions over and over. I knew Jimin was beyond annoyed, but he still asnwered every single one of them. It was only a few days before the trial started, and we had to have everything tight-knitted. 

After a few long hours, everyone was mentally drained. My father put down his notes and nodded as he exhaled. 

'I understand it might be stressful and possibly irritating to answer same things over and over, but the reason behind it is valid. Constantly answering the same things often leads people to add or remove some of the things they previously said. Sometimes it's a good thing because we find out more details. Sometimes it's a bad thing because the statements turn out to be nothing but lies. In your case, this is good. You haven't changed your answers by a lot. And they are not the exact same every time which is a proof that you haven't rehersed them. And we will do this at least twice more before Wednesday. Apologies ahead.'

'No need to apologize, Sir. All I'm really doing is answering questions. If that is all I can do, then I have to make sure to do it properly.' 

Jimin relaxed a little around my father, but he is still slightly nervous, which I can't blame him for. My father is extremely intense so it doesn't help much. We have been here every single day for the last 5 days, and we have 3 more days to go. He is basically here more than he is at home. And he is here until late, considering we do it all after 7 o 8 in the evening, depending on when me or my father are getting home.

'I think we should stop here for today. It's past midnight.' I announce

'Same time tomorrow?' My father asks, looking at me, then at Jimin

'Yes. He will be here.'  I answer for both of us, having Jimin nod in agreement

'Thank you, Mister Moon. Good night.' Jimin bowed deeply

'Until tomorrow.' My father replied with that fake smile, and then we left his study

First thing Jimin did when he walked outside and we closed the door behind was to crack his neck and groan.

'I've sitting for so long that I can't feel my ass.'

'Need some help?' I joke

'I bet you would love to.' He pushed me gently, giggling away

'Come with me. I need a few more things from you.'

'Arrrrgh! Did you not grill me enough for today?' He whined, but he still followed me to my room, and then threw himself on my bed like it's his, sinking into the sheets

I chuckled and shook my head at his cuteness, watching as he relaxed his entire body, even hugging the pillow.

'I'm gonna need you to sign a few things. Might wanna come over here.'

'Just sign for me. I don't wanna move.' I wondered why his voice was muffled, and looking up, I saw his face was dug into my pillow

'Falsifying signature on court documents. Great idea. I always wanted to spend time in prison.' I chuckle

My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now