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I went back to my old life, trying to focus on my studies at much as possible, and avoid my parents even more.

It's been almost 10 days since Jimin reached his limit of patience and said all those things, and since then, I haven't seen them. I genuinely missed the guys. Their chaos and stupidity. I missed how my life becomes simple and even enjoyable around them. I missed annoying Jimin to the point where he turns into a huge, whining baby. I missed arguing with him and watching him roll his eyes at my responses.

I wanted to go there so many times, but I can't. He made it loud and clear that I'm not welcome there, so I'm going to stay away. I just hope they're doing okay. I hope they're eating properly.

I was doodling in the corner of my notebook, not really paying attention to whatever we going on in the class, but most people didn't. It was the last class of the last day of the week, and everyone was mentally exhausted. And with the inner prayers, the day finally came to an end.

Everyone made their way out, walking out in almost a zombie like state, slightly bumping into each other to get out faster. And like the light at the end of the tunnel, there it was. The precious entrance, or in this case, exit.

The moment I stepped out, the feeling of the fresh air slapped me in the face. It was that amazing spring air, warm but refreshing at the same time. Warmer weather every day until the nearing summer comes around. At least something good.

I walked to my car, trying to dig out the keys from my bag, not really paying much attention to where I'm going, when a big black bag got shoved over my head, and giggles followed.

'Try not to knock her out this time.'  Taehyung was snickering, trolling Jungkook who was dying laughing behind me, holding me firmly.

'Guys? What the hell are you doing?' I felt so much relief,  even though they practically scared the shit out of me

Jungkook pulled the bag off my head, laughing his ass off. 'Ahh, good times.'

Him and Taehyung high-fived each other, while I looked around and noticed about a milion eyes on us. They did just try attempted kidnapping in front of a law school. They are so stupid.

'What - what are you doing here?' I wanted to laugh. I wanted to smile. But seeing them here makes me want to cry. I don't know how to react.

'What do you mean? We're obviously here to kidnap you. Duuuh.' Taehyung states like it's the most obvious thing

'We missed your crazy ass.' Jungkook gave me his bunny smile

'Sorry... I - uh-'

'We know what happened. He told us.' Taehyung smiled lightly. 'We wondered why you weren't coming around and why he was in such a bad mood. It took him until today to tell us what he said.'

'He was?' I muttered but apparently neither of them heard me, as they skipped over the question

'And just so we're clear, what he said was pure nonsense. He was just pissed off and lashed out. He tends to do that, although it's rare.' Jungkook cut in

'But it might be a good thing you weren't around. You would have died. Literally.' Taehyung added a bit more seriously, confusing me completely


'You forgot, didn't you?' He scoffs

'If I don't know what you're on about, then I obviously forgot.'

'Chairs and the sofa?' He raised his eyebrow, and then it hit me

The day we went to the shop I got them all today things they were having fun with, and sent it to their address. It just slipped my mind completely because I was so focused on everything else.

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