Chapter Three.

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Once the girls had left, after setting up the small creature room of course, they had immediately gone to the furniture store. They bought couches, tables, candles, pillows, rugs, pictures, and decorative flowers. Then they shrunk all the things, putting them in Tonks's bag that had an undetectable extension charm on it. They rushed back to the castle giggling the whole time, and planning on where to put what.

When the reached the castle they rushed past the confused professors and into the classroom, they started on the upstairs, They dumped all the stuff on the floor, and placed the items where they wanted it, before they put them back to normal. Y/n was floating the candles and flowers up where she wanted them, but she couldn't quite get the right angle to stick them. 

She could see the broom shed from where she stood, so she opened the window and pointed at the shed, "Acio Broom." She said, almost immediately two brooms shot out and zoomed through the window.

Y/n mounted one and zoomed up to where she had piled the flowers, she grabbed a bunch in her hand and placed it in a basket she had already stuck to the wall, she repeated the process till she just had candles left, there were so many she decided to split the job with Tonks.

"Dora, help." She said offering her half the candles, Tonks hopped on her broom and flew next to Y/n grabbing the candles and flying away. When the candles were done, the room was finished. They flew back to the ground and admired their work, then high-fived, grinning.

Then the went to work on the downstairs, then they realized they would need desks, so they exited the classroom and headed towards, McGonagall's Classroom, Y/n knocked, and waited for a response. When McGonagall answered they opened the door and stopped in-front of her. "Professor, we need desks." Y/n said. 

"Ah of course!" McGonagall said standing from her chair and going to a supply closet, then she came back holding twenty tiny desks. She handed ten to Tonks and ten to Y/n before she sent them on their way.

They bid her good-bye then rushed back to the classroom, setting up the desks and chairs, then they hung up posters of all the different creatures. When they were done, they climbed the stairs and collapsed on one of the couches.

About half an hour later they heard the downstairs door open and heard a gasp, then they heard someone ascend the stairs, a moment later Dumbledore and McGonagall came to a stop on the landing. "Oh Hello Professors!" Y/n said standing as Tonks staid laying down.

"Merlin this is beautiful Y/n!" McGonagall said in wonder. "Thanks!" The girls said in unison. "Is there anything I can do for you professors?" Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "We wanted to show you to your chambers." Tonks suddenly sprung from the couch and pulled ran down the stairs, "Let's go!" Her hair turned yellow, and Y/n laughed.

Dumbledore and McGonagall showed them down to the teachers rooms, the stopped outside the portrait of a large green snake, with piercing emerald eyes. "Go ahead and create a password." Dumbledore said nodding. Y/n thought for a moment before saying, "Mischief Managed." The snake nodded and the portrait swung open, the four of them stepped in, and it looked like Salazar Slytherin barfed all over the interior.

Y/n loved it.

The bedroom was green and had snake posters on the walls, the bathroom was green, the rugs, the walls, the towels. Her closet was green, the walls, carpet, and chairs. Her kitchen was green, The counter, cupboards, dishes, and sink.

"You know sometimes I forget you're a Slytherin, and then I see you get excited and these things, and I feel like I just got slapped in the face by a giant ass snake." Tonks laughed. "House Pride Tonks, House Pride." Y/n said smirking, and nodding.

"Well, we must be off dears, I advise you to go home as well, enjoy your last week at home." Dumbledore said, stepping sideways and out of the room. The three Ladies followed suite, and exited the room, they said their good-byes then Tonks and Y/n walked back to Hogsmeade, apperating home.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Y/n was washing all her clothes, and picking out a few nice outfits for any parties that may happen, she picked out a Green one, a Black one, and another green one that looked a bit like armor. She also packed her Auror outfit, just so she could show it off.

Y/n had three more Missions to go on but they were small ones, so she wouldn't need her outfit. Y/n decided she would shower tonight, and plan out her classes tomorrow in her free time. So she closed up her bag, and went into her bathroom. 

She turned on the water, adjusting it to the perfect temperature. Then she stripped, she looked at the counter top, grabbing her toothbrush, when her eyes flicked up to the mirror, she noticed a medium sized bruise on the side of her left boob.

"The fuck?" She muttered, gently Massaging her breast, wincing when her thumb brushed over the bruise. She pointed her wand at the bruise and said a spell, the bruise vanishing.

 She shrugged and stepped in the shower smiling when the hot water hit her chest, she grabbed her shampoo and lathered it into her hair, then she rinsed it. 

Then she put conditioned in her hair, leaving it in, she then grabbed her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. She spit out the toothpaste and rinsed the conditioner out of her hair, when she stepped out she wrapped a towel around herself. 

She walked over to the mirror and grabbed a potion off the counter, she rubbed in onto the scratch on her face, it stung like a bitch.

Gritting her teeth Y/n, wiped her hands off on her towel as the potion did it's job. When her face finally stopped stinging she walked out of the bathroom and back into her room, she changed into a black hoodie and a pair of Slytherin sweatpants, then she crawled into bed.

Remus was in with Tonks, and James wanted to stay with the rest of his branch, at Hogwarts.

Y/n passed out pretty quickly dreaming of the future.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Moody and Y/n had had a long day so far, they had caught three death-Eaters. The had given them a very hard time, the end of Moody's nose was now missing, Y/n's arm was broken, and she had earned another scratch on her body, it went from the top of her left shoulder and down to her bellybutton.

They were now on their way to Azkaban, the three prisoners confused and shackled. They were arriving at lunch time, so the Dementors were around, for some reason Fudge was also there, the two Auror's didn't know why the minister was at Azkaban, but the didn't question it.

When they arrived, two workers came out and assisted Moody and Y/n, seeing as one of them only had one functioning arm, Y/n hadn't had time to go to the healers yet.

Y/n went up to Sirius's cell again right as she saw the minister go up anther flight of stairs an out of view, she sat on the floor and leaned against the bars. Sirius sat on the other side and huffed, "Bout time you came to see me." he wined. "Have you had time to think about what I said last week?" Y/n said, turning so she could see him. 

"I have. Congrats on the job by the way." Sirius said shortly. "Thanks. Your answer?" Sirius shook his head, "I won't tell you, it'll put your job in jeopardy, but you'll know what I decide." Y/n nodded. "With whatever you decide, be careful, please?" Sirius chuckled. "For you? Always." Y/n struggled to stand so Sirius stood and reached through the bars, grabbing her good arm. He gently hauled her to her feet, when their faces were a few inches apart he looked her in the eyes.

"Take care of Harry, Yeah?" Y/n nodded, Sirius kissed her forehead and sent her a wink, Y/n returned it and walked away, heading back downstairs.

~~~Time Skip. The Next Day~~~

Y/n was reading the daily prophet the next morning when she spotted the headline.


Y/n laughed, and took a sip of her tea. She knew he wouldn't be able to stay away, when he knew a way to escape. She shook her head, "See you soon Uncle." She muttered getting to her feet.

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