Chapter Seven

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It was now Halloween and Hagrid was helping Y/n out with her class, they couldn't exactly wrangle a hippogriff inside the castle, so they were by Hagrid's hut, standing in-front of the big green shed, Buckbeak, the hippogriff tied up to the side.

The kids started swarming, so Hagrid started to settle them down, "That's it. Come on, now. Come closer. Less talking, if you don't mind." I saw the Golden trio, coming up on the left, while the twins were standing almost directly in-front of me, arms crossed and waiting patiently.

"Y/n's got a real treat for you today. A great lesson. So follow me." The kids all followed him, forming two large groups on either side of the pathway. "Open your books to page 49, please." Y/n called out, shooing the twins back into the crowd. "Exactly how do we do that?" Draco sassed. Y/n rolled her eyes, "Just stroke the spine, of course." Draco looked down and stroked the spine, raising his eyebrow when it worked.

Poor Neville of course started getting eaten by his book, clothes getting shredded. Y/n walked over and helped the boy up, she grabbed the book and ran two fingers down its spine, the book shuddered and then opened, going still. She repaired his clothes and gave him a reassuring nod.

Y/n walked back to the side of the barn where Hagrid was coming around with Buckbeak.

"Tah-Tah-dah-dah!" Hagrid cheered coming into view. "Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak." Hagrid said, running his large hands across Buckbeak's chest. "Professor, exactly what is that?" Ron asked curiously.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff. First thing you wanna know is they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may be the last thing you ever do." Y/n said coming to stand next to Hagrid. She then slowly took a few steps away from Hagrid and in-front of Buckbeak, She bowed low holding her position until Buckbeak bowed back.

She slowly approached and ran her hands through the silky feathers. 

"Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid asked, turning to the crown, who Immediately stepped back, except for Harry, who stood there trying to step backwards quickly. "Well done, Harry. Well done. Come on now. Now..." Hagrid trailed off, letting Y/n pick back up.

 "You have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So step up. Give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not-- Well, we'll get to that later. Just make your bow. Nice and low." Y/n said ushering Harry forward, she believed in Harry, she trusted him with this large animal.

Harry came forward and bowed low, he stood there waiting for a bow in return, when Buckbeak looked like he was about to attack Hagrid jumped in, "Back off, Harry. Back off." He hissed causing Harry to stumble backwards. But instead Buckbeak bowed majestically, before standing back to his full height.

"Oh, well done, Harry. Well done. Here, you big brute, you. Right. I think you can go and pat him now." Hagrid sighed in relief. Y/n shook her head, this school really does show favoritism. Harry walked over to Bucks side and started stroking him gently.

"He may let you ride him now." Hagrid said, before stalking over to Harry and putting him on Buckbeak's back, there was a small protest of "What!" That came from harry, and before Y/n even had time to comprehend what was happening Buckbeak took off into the sky Harry clinging on for dear life. 

"Hagrid!" Y/n hissed, annoyed. Hagrid gave her a sheepish look, before re-treating to the side of the barn.

When Harry came back down the kids congratulated him, Hagrid had him off Buck and was talking to him on the side. "You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute!" Draco sneered strutting up to the bird. There was a chorus of "Malfoy No's" Before Buckbeak reared up and brought his front claws down.

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