Chapter Fifteen

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Once all the kids had come back down with their books, I used the rest of my teaching time to help them research, I even let them hold a few Fairies, the youngest Arabella even fell asleep on a few students. Sighing I stood up from my desk and checked the clock, we had five minutes left, "Okay, so tomorrow at three, I will be holding a get together upstairs, so if you need help feel free to come, I will bring refreshments, Class is over skedaddle my young proteges." I said, waving my wand towards the door, making it swing open. There was a rustle of paper and shuffle of feet, a chorus of "Good-bye Professor's!" then silence. My next class with the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaws would be coming in an hour, until then I had nothing to do, so I walked out of the classroom and down the hall, after a few minutes I tickled the pear on the kitchen portrait, it swung open and I walked through, immediately gaining the attention of multiple elves.

"Good afternoon Miss, would you like yous usual?" A small one asked, I smiled politely. "Yes please, if it isn't to much trouble." The elf nodded and scurried away. I watched the elves work fondly, they were happy here, and their work showed that. Moments later the elf reappeared in front of me, and handed me a basket, I thanked them and left the kitchen making my way to the forbidden forest, morphing into my wolf form and slinking into the trees.

Sirius was sitting by a small pond, his shirt tattered and stained and his hair matted. I let out a short bark, announcing my presence, before I morphed back, brushing my hair out of my eyes. "Hello uncle!" I said cheerily, plopping myself down next to him. "Why hello there my favorite niece!" he replied, nudging my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I'm your only niece, uncle." He nodded thoughtfully then declared, "Ah yes! That's why your my favorite!" He chuckled and I shook my head, then passed him the basket. "Ow as uor ision?" he asked, with a mouth full of muffin. I scrunched my nose in confusion, he finished chewing, swallowed, and cleared his throat, "How was your mission?" he repeated, less savagely. "It was fine." I said shortly, he raised his eyebrow, "You gonna tell me about it?" I shook my head and a grin spread across his face. "Did you meet a guy?" 


"Oh my Merlin you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Oh is he cute?"

"Yes! Wait No, I didn't meet a guy!"

"I knew it! What's he like?"

"You're acting like a teenage girl Sirius."

"I've been locked up for twelve years I need some drama!" 

I groaned, "Yes he's handsome, he's muscular, good with kids, a red head, and a dragon tamer." I said, smiling to myself. Sirius snapped his fingers and pointed at me, "Charlie Weasley?" I looked at him startled, "How did you know that?" He grinned again, "Molly Weasley and her husband Arthur were in the last order, I met little Charlie, nice boy." Sirius bit into an apple, juice spilling down his chin. "How's Harry, I know there's a quidditch match coming up, is he playing?" I nodded, "Yep, Gryffindor V.s Hufflepuff, first match of the season." Sirius smiled fondly, "He probably flies just like James."

I shrugged, "I'll let you know, how is your mission going?" I asked, laying my head on his shoulder, "Like shit, I haven't been able to make it into the castle yet, there's always a professor guarding the door." I shook my head, "Well then don't use a door." I said, plucking a muffin from the basket and peeling the wrapper off. "How the hell do I not use a door Y/n?" I took a bite of the muffin, "Isn't there a secret passage in Hogsmeade that leads back to the castle? Back to a certain one eyed witch statue near the Slytherin dorms?" A grin spread across his face. "Y/n your a genius!" he said, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"I know." I mumbled through a mouth full of muffin. I checked my watch and sighed, "I best be getting back up to the castle, I got a class in fifteen minutes." I stood up and brushed off my pants, Sirius stood up as well and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Good to know he was regaining his strength. "I love you Y/n, be safe will you?" I laughed, "I promise if you do."

He nodded and pulled away, we shifted back into our dog forms and padded through the forest, until we got to the tree line, Sirius gave me a kiss on the muzzle which I reciprocated, before morphing back and striding out of the trees. I made my way into my classroom and set up the stuff for my next lesson, which passed by in a blur. Next thing I know it's supper time, I cleared the papers off my desk, and sent the fairies back to their tree, James was sitting in the front pocket of my jacket, so I headed off down the hall, passing students as I went. I took my place next to uncle moony and pulled James out of my pocket, setting him on the table.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat and walked towards his podium thing. "Good evening children, after much consideration it is my pleasure to announce that this summer, we will be having a Hogwarts reunion quidditch match!" Cheers echoed around the hall and I lifted my head, "A say what now!" I blurted, everyone laughed, "You heard correctly Slytherin Quidditch Captain." Dumbledore laughed, using my previous title. The Slytherin table erupted in cheers, Dumbledore quickly silenced them. "August 12th is the date, and the game will begin at 12:00 on the dot."

"The winning team will earn 100 points for their house, and of course bragging rights." I smirked, this is gonna be fun...

After dinner I went back to my chambers to see a stack of letters from my old school mates, asking about the game, and if I was still going to be captain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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