Chapter Nine

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The next morning Y/n woke up feeling refreshed, she stood from her bed and stretched, her spine popping, and neck cracking. Then she walked over to her bathroom, she took a quick shower, before slipping into her Auror Armor. The metal creaked slightly, it was charmed to deflect Dragon fire, something she had bought in her first year of Auror training.

Y/n brushed her hair out, she left it down, she then slid her wand into her thigh holster. Before she walked down to breakfast, she sent out an owl sized basket full of snacks for Sirius. Then she made her way down to the great hall and up to the teachers balcony. It looked like the whole school was in attendance of breakfast, which is unusual because usually half the kids sleep in until later. 

Y/n sat down and started eating, it seemed like the food at Hogwarts was specifically cooked to make your mouth water. Once she had finished eating she drank the rest of her pumpkin juice and stood up to make her way down the stairs, when the entire great hall erupted in cheers, her name was being chanted, there were whistle and hollers. Y/n blushed slightly not used to so much attention. The Gryffindor's had a huge banner charmed to float above the table that said, "Kick Arse Y/n!" She laughed.

She made her way through the tables and to the exit, the kids scrambling up from their tables and following her out, Moody was to pick her up by Broom, something about apperating being to hard, Y/n was pretty sure he just missed her. 

She had made it to the courtyard the kids still chanting, she didn't realize she had made that big of an impression on them. Moments later Moody appeared next to her, two brooms in hand, he handed hers over and they both kicked off into the air, Y/n waved back at the students, who waved at her, the cheering growing faint.

"I see you're quite popular." Moody's gruff voice says. "I guess I am, dunno why though." Moody snorts, "You are a bloody amazing young woman that's why." Y/n shrugged, "I'm not that amazing, but thanks moody." The rest of the flight was silent, then they flew into the undercover tree entrance for the ministry, they landed in the portkey department. When her broom flew to the holder on the wall Y/n was knocked on her ass by another body, recognizing the toffee scented perfume as Tonks, she wrapped her arms around her best-friend.

"Hello Tonks!" Y/n laughed. "Hiya Y/n/n!" Tonks pulled Y/n back to her feet, her hair a bright yellow, as if in response to Tonks's happiness, Y/n's hair turned the same shade of yellow. They laughed again, and Y/n finally took in Tonks's outfit, it was almost identical to hers, except for the dragon armor. "Oh my Godric, are you going to!?" Y/n asked happily, this would be there first mission together.

"Yep, gonna kick death-eater ass with my bestie!" She cheered. Y/n proudly gave Tonks a fist bump as the three others filled in the room, She knew them to be Sarah Runeblade, Phoebe, and her husband Wendel Astralwind. They were all acquainted already.

Moody handed the five of them a long board, which Y/n assumed was their portkey. They each grabbed a part of it, the board glowed blue for a moment before they found them selves falling through the air, spinning and lurching from side to side. A few moments later they let go of the board and floated down to the ground, landing softly in the grass.

Y/n led her fellow Auror's to the Dragon sanctuary, she stepped through the giant Steel reinforced Oak doors, she took in the rows of tents and the giant fields, full of Dragons. She walked to the largest tent, which is where her Dragonologist companions should be. After making sure the four Auror's were through she stepped in, she saw two men standing next to each other and laughing about something.

One of them was quite muscular, with brown hair, green eyes, and very dark skin. The other one was less muscular, but still looked quite strong, with bright Red hair, Brown eyes, and pale, but slightly tanned skin, he had freckles adorning his face and arms. Y/n instantly knew this man was Charlie, he looked to much like the twins not to be. Y/n had to admit, he was hot, really fucking hot.

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