Chapter Eight

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At dinner last night Y/n had told Dumbledore about her upcoming mission, he had told her to get good rest the night before and he would have Hagrid cover her class until she got back and a day after if she needed.

Today, since it was a Hogsmeade day Y/n had no classes, it was also Halloween and the big feast was tonight, she was just sitting in her classroom grading papers just after lunch when Harry came in. "Professor, since I'm not allowed to go to Hogsmeade I was wondering if I could stay in here with you, and work on my homework?" Y/n smiled, so badly wanting to wrap the boy in a hug and take away all his worries.

"Of course Harry, you can stay as long as you like, I have nowhere to be." She said gesturing to the empty tables. Harry shot her a grin and took up one of the benches. They worked in silence for a while before Harry broke the silence. 

"What's it like, being an Auror?" Y/n looked up from her half graded stack of papers. "Well it's very dangerous." She started, gesturing at her cheek which was now halfway healed again. "People can be very unpredictable, which is why you need a partner who has your back."

Y/n shuffled her papers around trying to find the sleeping James who was just on her desk. "One time, when I was still a pretty new Auror I was sent on a mission with a guy, it was a stake out mission. We were only supposed to observe, but my partner got a wild hair up his arse, and went running out into the group of death-eaters. He was killed and I was tortured for days, until I was rescued by Mad-Eye Moody."

Y/n shivered at the memory, she was hit by so many cruciatus curses that she can hardly feel them anymore, she did suffer a lot of nerve damage, but she's been taking potions ever since, and she hardly gets the pains anymore.

"I never gave in, that's how I got to the position I am now, I withstood two weeks of torture, and didn't make a sound. I didn't let them see me break. I mean once I was rescued I had nightmares for months, my muscles would cease up from the extensive nerve damage I received, I had a hard time even falling asleep, so I threw myself into my work, and I advanced so many times."

Y/n explained, finally finding the sleeping Bowtruckle under a blue handkerchief. "I didn't want anybody to ever go through the shit I went through, so I became the best Auror I could, I'm partnered with the head Auror, he trained me, and helped me with the trauma."

 Y/n scooped James up and moved him to the other side of the table away from the papers. "However it does have its perks, you get to travel often, see the most beautiful places, and creatures, you meet new people, try new things, if you look past the fact that you can be killed quite fast it would be a wonderful job." She said now fixing her papers. "Is that what you want to do?"

 Harry shrugged, "I'm not sure yet." Y/n smiled and graded her last paper before looking back at him. "You have time, don't get to worried about it now Harry, if you ever have questions don't be scared to ask me." Harry nodded and packed up his stuff, "I best be off, thank you Professor."

"You're welcome, bye Harry." Harry walked out the door and Y/n frowned, that kid would be a great Auror but he also is her godbrother, and she felt protective of him.

The rest of the day was quite uneventful, Y/n finished grading her papers, and packed up her clothes for the mission. James was happy to go on another mission, he liked the adventures. Y/n decided to clean up her room a little bit, so she straightened out her bed, and shot a quick "scourgify!" at her dishes. When her room was finished she went into the bathroom and filled up the tub, if she was going on a three day mission, she wanted to relax before hand.

Once the tub was full she stripped and got in, settling down in the large tub, completely submerged up to her neck. As she had nothing to do now, her brain went crazy, tomorrow she would be seeing real life Dragons! But she can't get distracted she's on a mission. But Dragons!

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