Defeated. 13

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Erika POV

I woke Sunday morning with no idea how we got home. I remember a crashed buggy and a small cannabis plantation. I ran through magnificent ancient caverns and came to an enormous open field from the other side. I found a bonfire party of at least three hundred people, all mixed species there. Vampires, Witches, and Shifters.

It turns out it was a meeting place in the area. All the covens and Estate workers met and partied there until daylight. A tradition that was held once a month and had been going on for over a hundred years.

I had never been so stoned and drunk in my life, as for my vcard. That was not on my mind. Much to the girl's disgust, they tried to hook me up with every hot male there. However, I did meet one guy I enjoyed spending time with more than anyone else. Not that I can remember his face well. My head was fucked. I heard my phone buzz, grabbing it from the side table. I looked at the time. 5.00 pm, holy shit, I had slept all day.

Hey, Guy turned up here a few hours ago all pissy; he has dragged us into town to watch some bullshit vamp motel. They may be onto us. Act cool. The story is we took the buggy, went to the forest, got wasted, that's it!


Fuck, my first attempt at fun and a shit storm is brewing.

OK, I am a shit liar,


I know it's the good girl in you. Pretend it is political, and you are doing it for the Lycan race. You seem pretty good at lying, then!


Your bloodline is the future of the Lycan Dynasty. You were searching for a chosen mate; it's a breeding thing. It is political! You would have been mated off in the old days and had two future little princes on the ground.


:) :) I just wet myself.


Fuck, I dragged myself out of bed and headed for the shower. The reality of that party was that no matter what happened, I was a Lycan; only a Lycan could love a Lycan in their wolf form. I had done horrible things. Only a monster could love a monster.

My Lycan nudged my mind; she had been secretive, avoiding me. I did nothing wrong last night. Carter openly betrayed me; he found it funny, and now I was convinced that Max and Niko were in on it. Even if we did try and work it out, everyone would know he was fucking around when he knew who his mate was.

I could never live with that. It was a disrespect. He was an Alpha; my position would be alongside him. If he didn't respect me, no one else would. And how could I even respect myself?

I was twenty-three and had never had a relationship or even sex. It was unheard of in this world. I was a freak who belonged with my people and not in this social mess I was in.

Everything about this place made me question who I was. I had never in my life doubted myself; it should not be that way.

I reminded myself no one here ever needed to see my Lycan form. Luckily, most paranormal don't need to shift to access their powers. The shift is symbolic and enhances the connection with our magical spirit. Balancing our magic and calming our minds. It was essential for the two parts of the same soul but not critical in a fight.

It came down to your opponent. If they shifted, you generally did as well; it was more of a battle of the ego and species than skill. I could get through the next eighteen months here.

My phone buzzed next to my bed. I walked over and picked it up. My little self-talk went out the window when I saw his name.

Erika, can you come by my office? We need to talk.

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