Making His Move 28

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Despite my teasing on the embankment earlier, and besides the unexpected peace I got from walking down to the BBQ with Erika, she was distant. However, she played her role as my soon-to-be mate, or so I had announced, perfectly- too perfectly.

She greeted everyone in her usual graceful manner. She stayed close to me but maintained a calculated distance. She would subtly pull away if I leaned in too close, a detail I only noticed after the party. But after the party, I was painfully aware of everything she did.

The party had been a turning point for both of us. It solidified her indifference towards me. It fueled my determination to make things work between us. Once again, we found ourselves on opposite ends of the spectrum.

That night, they changed everything. As the women flirted, I watched my past play out before me, insinuating that I was only about one thing to Erika. They discredited me, and I succeeded in letting them do it. Now, her eyes held disappointment and defeat instead of curiosity or desire.

The pain in my gut was overwhelming, and my wolf had disappeared. Her wolf must have stopped talking to him.

Without them connected, I was fucked. We would drift apart, and it would be nothing more than a lost connection. Our wolves sparked the flame and drove the desire and the bond. But like me, my wolf also underestimated Erika. And her wolf's independence and ability to walk away from disrespect.

I turned my back on the party and led her to our group. Lincoln was the first to greet her with a firm handshake, which she met with equal confidence. She stood tall and unwavering, exuding strength and poise in every movement.

Her eyes were focused and transparent, lacking any hint of coyness or flirtation. There was no need for games or pretence; she held her own effortlessly. I had never encountered a woman like her before, which showed from the moment I met her.

As she conversed casually with Lincoln, our whole group hung on her every word. Two of Lincoln's men joined us after she arrived. Then Theo and his second-in-command, Jonathon, followed. Despite their influential positions, they were all drawn to her, and she remained unfazed.

Her interactions were assertive and unapologetic. They displayed strength and independence that intrigued and challenged everyone around her. The minor vulnerabilities and hints of innocence that made her so endearing to me were gone. She was - strong, commanding, and a natural leader.

I knew without a doubt that any sign of softness or desire, reserved only for a destined mate, was now gone from her demeanour.

I had taken advantage of her honour, twisted it and played with it. I picked her insecurity, sex and her lack of experience. Now, she had shut the door on me.

I felt regret as I watched her standing in the group's centre. I had taken advantage of her vulnerability, which was unforgivable, and allowed the other women to treat her like a fool.

But now, as I looked at her, I saw more than just her honourable nature and old-world steeliness.

She was beautiful, with her long hair tousled in the wind and no trace of makeup on her face. Her gym attire was simple and practical. She wore no flashy makeup or revealing clothing like Clara's female warriors. She commanded respect and admiration from everyone around her. As she spoke, her eyes sparkled, and her perfect lips captivated me. Erika was easy company.

But my hesitation to officially claim her as my mate had caused divisions and confusion.

As I looked around, I saw that the group had grown. It started as just Enforcers. Now, it includes all of Erika's trainees, workers from the Orchard, the warriors, and many pack members who work. They all gravitated towards her whenever they could catch a glimpse of her. It was clear that everyone here was curious about her.

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