Lets Work It Out. 25

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Erikas POV

I awoke to complete darkness, my head throbbing and my body sore as if I had just been in a physical altercation. Struggling to stand, I made my way to the bathroom and switched on the light, only to realize that I was completely naked. But considering I couldn't remember how I ended up in bed, this seemed like the least of my worries.

I had officially lost my fucking mind. I may or may not have slept with a stranger. I expect I may not have. Who at 23 has two runs at sex and fails twice? A loser, I decided. Aiden's words from the cocktail party screamed in my head.

I must have passed out; I remember yelling and someone carrying me. A terrible thought came over me: what if the guy I was with was from this Estate? Oh god, I could not live with that. I know everyone sleeps with everyone in Shifter packs, but that is not me.

I grabbed my robe from the bathroom door and walked to the door. My tongue is coated in alcohol and the aftertaste of the Blue Juice, also known as Blue Lotus. Last night at the cocktail party, I discovered it was a favourite among Monet women. Monica returned from the toilets and told me she had seen a few little amber vials in the bin.

By the party's tone last night, I suspected their use of it was not the same as mine. They called it the blue juice. I never knew it was a thing here, being such an ancient drug.

My mind went to Raia; even in my partially comatose state, I went to the toilets and got a vial from the bin. I wanted Raia to track who was making it. Every alchemist had a scent they branded into their concoctions. Unique to them, I smelt it; it was not Raia's and was an aphrodisiac form.

No wonder I was considered boring; my focus was always on work. Last night, I confirmed the stark difference between Carter and me.

Turning the doorknob, I found it locked. I pulled on it again.

A low male voice came from behind me.

"It's locked, and I have the key."

Spinning around, the soft light from the bathroom illuminated Carter's bare chest, muscles rippling as he shifted on the bed, rolling on his side to face me. His black dress pants from last night hung low on his hips, revealing a trail of dark hair disappearing beneath the waistband. His whiskey eyes watched me as I leaned back against the door.

How was I meant to ignore that? Hate him all I like, he was a perfectly created man. His shoulders were perfect, his arms thick, his chest broad, and his legs for days.

I can't believe I missed him lying there. I noticed his scent everywhere: the wet boxers hanging over the bathtub, which puzzled me, but I ignored it. I looked down to see his white shirt and black jacket on the floor at the base of the bed, my dress and jacket beside it. Holy shit, did I sleep with Carter last night. My stomach dropped.

I was staring at him. How did that all come to be? A smirk etched at his lips, and I felt all the colour drain from my face.

"Umm. So why are you here, and why are your clothes on my floor." I managed to stammer out with a small degree of confidence. Or what was left of it?

"Why do you think, Erika? On that topic," he slapped the mattress with his hand, causing me to jump," Come back to bed. You promised me last night you would ride me in nothing but those sexy boots you wear everywhere." He winked at me.

I wasn't sure if the lingering effects of last night's events or Carter's words made me sprint to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before I vomited. I slumped down on the floor, staring at the water in the bowl and wishing I could disappear along with it. Suddenly, I felt a wet washcloth being placed in my hand.

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