Aunty Kelly

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Laura's POV

"GIRLS!" Mom squealed excitedly over the phone; I chuckled softly as she yelled out the news to whoever was in the same room. "Oh, Hades is going to have his hands full fighting off boys, especially since he has to protect two sisters simultaneously."

"Also, Nate," I said, rolling my eyes, remembering him saying he would kill any boy who looked at his daughters in any way.

"So when will they be born?"

"Huh... I have six weeks left so in the middle of August." It's so surprising how fast lycan pregnancy was; it takes six months to get pregnant, whilst with werewolves, it would be seven to eight months. Time seemed to pass by so fast that I could never believe that soon I'd be giving birth.

"Oh my, there isn't much time. I need to start planning for our trip there to see those little angels," She started rumbling about what to do and telling Pete to get work done before travelling.

Then I remembered something to tell her, "Hey, Mom?"


"Jay has been spotted, and Nate had people sent to arrest him... I don't want to believe that he murdered someone innocent and--"

She cuts me off, "Laura, sweetie, I know it's hard to process, but we can't do anything but hear what he says. Don't worry your little head about it, okay." I nodded as though she could see me, but I agreed. "ANYWAY! I have a trip to plan, and I just can't wait to see my grandbabies! Bye, sweetie, and give Hades kisses from grandma!"

"Of course, Mom, bye," I hung up the phone and placed it on the coffee table, then stared out the window. Lots of things were happening around me, and I couldn't do anything. Sean was going after Jay while Nate was helping Maxim find the missing vampires, and then there was me, sitting around and doing nothing. I wanted to help, but everyone was too concerned about my safety and the twins.

When I was pregnant with Hades, I was kidnapped again by the Lycan Brothers, and they weakened me and then left me to die. But I knew I couldn't let them get away with it; if they had used the lycan spirits on the wolves, they would have won. So with the last strength that I did terribly, I shifted into my wolf, which was dangerous for both mother and unborn child, but I had to. That night, I was close to losing Hades and my life.

However, this time, it was now that Hades was healthy and strong, and I was pregnant with two little girls, and I knew no wrong would happen if I helped around.




I glanced at the door as it slowly opened; my lips lifted into a grin when I saw a familiar long dark hair, those forest green eyes and a wide, mischievous grin as she walked in. "Kelly?" I gasped.

I was about to stand, but she shook her head, "Don't stand! You carrying two wild pups in that belly." She said as she leaned in and hugged me, "Hey, Laura."

"Hey," I greeted her, and she sat on the sofa across from me. I hadn't seen Kelly since she finished high school; she took a year off to 'discover' herself by travelling around the world and taking in the new freedom of a newly graduated teen. But Nate was not happy about that, so when she returned, he asked her to decide what she wanted. Still, she was determining if she wanted to study law, medicine, or business.

But later, she decided to study environmental law, "so how are you three feeling?" She asked, wiggling her brows.

I rolled my eyes, "We're good. Have you heard the news about the twins?" I asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah! Girls, yes!" She fist-pumped, and I gaped. Did Nate already tell her? Kelly noticed my disappointment and shook her head, "it wasn't Nate but the little him."

"Hades," I chuckled.

"At least there's finally more girls in the royal family," she groaned, then pouted like she was thinking about something. "I don't know if it's because I haven't been home for a while, but Hades is acting... What can I say... 'Mellow' for a five-year-old."

"Come on, Aunty Kelly, leave the child be. He is unique by being himself."

"But at least you guys have been keeping him busy by having him learn piano."

"Hades was the one who suggested it, and soon he's going to learn how to play the violin."

Kelly gaped, "Don't you think it's taken much for the kid? Yeah, he's smart, but that's a lot."

I sighed and nodded, "Yeah, we know, but he is confident enough. He wants to learn both."

She shrugged and glanced out the window, "Maybe it's a local thing." She muttered. Kelly was curious about it when I turned Sean into a lycan. I thought she wanted to be one, but she was quick to say no; having Kelly, too, would be fantastic as a lycan. "Anyway, I heard the scary Russian vampire is in the palace. Is it true?"

"Kelly, did you know what Nate did to the vampires?" I asked. Her smile dropped, and she was hesitant. That was my answer. Everyone knew except me. "Yes, indeed, he's here, and they are using the information he has to find the missing vampires; all those vampires are pure blood."

I don't know much about vampires, but from what I know, blood vampires were born vampires, and they are known as half-dead and half-alive vampires. Pure bloods are known to rule their covens of turned vampires, and they are the only ones who are able to have children, unlike turned vampires because they are dead.

"I wonder who would take them?" Kelly asked the one question everyone was asking. "You don't think this is a trap by the vampires? You know they send the tough guy to pull our heartstrings to help, them stab us in the back."

"I honestly believe he's telling the truth, especially since he said 'please'." Kelly gasped in shock and laughed softly; I, too, never thought he knew the word 'please', but he did. "I'm wondering if Nate's going to get the witches to help in getting a location."

"Oh no, no, they wanted nothing to do with vampires. Very soon, they would not want to do anything with us werewolves."

I furrowed my brows, "why do you say that?"

Kelly sighed and leaned forward. "Remember, the werewolves made a deal with the witches' elders, especially when it came to taking down the lycans. But now they are dead, and the witches no longer have trouble with vampires, so what's the point of siding with the werewolves that are having lycans slowly making a comeback. I'm just saying, I've heard from some packs having a hell of a time asking spells from witches."

"Kelly, you can't be serious," she shrugged as she leaned back. I groaned in frustration and leaned against my seat, "If I could talk to my wolf, then I could use my powers to locate them."

"Still having trouble talking with your wolf?"

I nodded, then looked out the window, thinking about what Kelly said. Were the witches seriously turning their backs on the werewolf? If so, why? The agreement's history was because of one course to end the rule of the Lycans. Since then, the witches, vampires and werewolves have been peaceful. There was some trouble here and there between species, but the peace agreement still stood until... Now.

The Elder witches that made the agreement were gone, and the vampires were in hiding. Then there were the werewolves having lycan rulers once again. The trust may be fading, but we should remember that we need each other.

Suddenly, Kelly jumped onto her feet, "This serious discussion is killing me; let's find my big meathead brother." She joked, and I laughed, then slowly stood onto my feet. "Have you decided on the names?" She asked as we walked towards the door.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure yet."

She grinned, "You should name one of them, Kelly."

"Oh no," I groaned. "I would like a mean with meaning and reason just like Hades' name."

The Dawn of Blood [Sequal of The Rise of the Lycans]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon