Selena (Part One)

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Laura's POV

My eyes flicker open, staring up at the white ceiling. I was first confused-- Where am I? I asked myself, then tilted my head and saw Dr Reed and Sean.

"Oh, thank the goddess!" Both sighed in relief, and Dr Reed rushed to my side, with Sean following behind. "Luna Queen, are you feeling any pain? Headache?" She asked, and I shook my head slightly, then glanced at Sean.

"I shouldn't have let you see Jay. This is all my fault." Sean rumbled on as Dr Reed held my wrist like she was trying to feel my pulse. "I never thought he says those things," he muttered. Then, everything that happened in the study flooded my head.

I remembered being called into the study because Sean found Jay, and when I got there, he was different; he was young again, and worse was that he was a lycan. He admitted that he murdered his mate to be with my birth mother, who his grandmother killed. The same grandmother who was alone with my son the other night, who in a way helped Rebekah, John's crazy mother, get the blood of a divine being.

"Luna Queen, please relax. You need to try lowering your stress. It's not good for the babies," Dr Reed said; her voice was laced with fear and concern, but I can't lay here and not think about what Jay has done. I need more answers, "Luna!" Dr Reed gasped as I pushed myself to sit up.

"Laura! Listen to the doctor," Sean said, and I shook my head as I tried pushing them out my way, but I was too weak. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders and staring into my eyes.

"I need more answers, Sean!" I said, lifting my alpha voice, knowing he would listen to that voice more than my normal voice. I guess I learned something from Nate. "My son was alone with my grandmother, who killed my mother, and I want to know why. He has the answers, and I need to know them."

"But Luna, you need to rest," Dr Reed said softly, her head held low.

I sighed, "I promise I'll rest after I get the whole story from Jay." I said to her and looked up at Sean, who still held my shoulders. "Take me to him, please..."

He threw his head back and groaned loudly, "You are trying to get me killed!" He said, then nodded his head, "Okay, I'll take you, Jay, but you need to promise that you rest because I don't want to take the blame if you and the babies are harmed in any way." I nodded.

After slipping on some shoes, Sean helped me onto my feet, and we left the room in total silence. He walked close to me to ensure I wouldn't fall or trip, but it was okay. The walk to the dungeons was long since it was far from the palace, and taking a jeep over there would be challenging. Also, a bike would be a bad idea for a pregnant woman who was feeling weak. Since we were strolling, it took us an hour. There was passing security that took thirty minutes, and we headed downstairs to the bottom level where Jay was being kept.

The bottom was the only level we had that could hold lycans. The place was dark and cold. As we headed down, I sensed evil and madness in this place; no wonder Nate never wanted me or Hades going anywhere near this place. Finally, we reached the bottom; quietly, we walked to the last cell where Jay was being kept.

I held a gasp when I saw him on his knees as wrists were cuffed to chains that attached to the stone-cold floor. The bars with a strong smell of wolfsbane were the only things that gave us distance. Jay left his head; he looked exhausted and heartbroken, but I shouldn't go easy with him. I must be rugged and robust to get the answers that I need.

"Laura..." He murmured weakly and sat back on his heels, staring at me.

I cleared my throat and lifted my head high up, "A few nights ago, my son was with the moon goddess, my grandmother, the woman you claimed murdered my mother and convinced you to murder your soulmate. You also said that my life and my children were endangered, and I want to know from and why."

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