Sea Witches and God of Death

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Laura's POV

The morning, I woke up feeling abdominal pain. Still, I decided to ignore it because there would be a meeting with Jay in Nate's study. I didn't want those to be alone, especially since Nate was angry with Jay for causing me to faint. I jumped out of bed and hurried to get dressed when I woke up. He knew something was off with me, but I didn't want him to worry, and I was afraid that I was stressing so much that I might have harmed my babies. After the meeting, I was going to go to see Dr Reed, and I knew she would scold me for stress.

"Hades, as you know, we have guests in the palace, and there are three children; maybe you'd like to go play with them," I said with a forced, warm smile. We were having breakfast, and Nate kept a close eye on me, but I was trying to shake it off and act normal.

"Maybe," Hades muttered, shrugged his tiny shoulders, then looked at his father. "Daddy, where did you get that scar?" He asked.

Nate chuckled, "I'll talk to you when you're old enough, but you just need to know that your daddy was brave." He said, sipping his coffee. I rolled my eyes and then looked down at my untouched plate. The pain was getting worse and worse each second, and eating wasn't going to help. "Love, are you sure you're okay?"

I snapped my gaze away from my breakfast to Nate. He furrowed his brows in confusion as his eyes looked at me with so much concern. I gave him a big encouraging smile, "I'm good. It just seems like the girls and I ain't feeling like breakfast." I said, but I could see he wasn't buying it.

"After your lessons, Liam will take you to the play area where the children are," Nate said to Hades, who nodded at his father and ate his breakfast. Nate stood up and then looked down at me, "Jay and everyone are in the study waiting."

I slowly stood because the pain worsened when I was on my feet, but Nate waited for me as we left the kitchen. Nate walked closely beside me, keeping an arm wrapped around my waist. "Laura, I tell you in pain. Why are you lying? Let's go see Dr Reed," he said softly.

"No," I sighed, shaking my head 'no'. "I need to make sure everything goes smoothly, then I'll go to Dr Reed," I told him, placing my hand on the wall for support.

He growled, "Laura, I hate seeing you in pain! Let's go to Dr Reed. The meeting can wait. Think about yourself and our pups."

I stopped and looked up at him with a gentle smile, "Nate, I promise after this meeting, we'll go straight to the doctor's."

"Promise me if the pain worsens, you tell me," I nodded. "Say you promise!" He groaned.

"I promise."

We walked to the study at a snail's pace; when we got there, Nate made sure I was seated comfortably before taking his seat behind his desk. I glanced over to Jay, who gave a side smile and nod, and then he turned to Nate. When Nate was told that Jay was young again and Lycan, he was shocked. He saw the pictures and thought it was a joke from Sean, but now he was seeing Jay.

Our meeting was just the royal elders, Sean and Jay, and us, the royals, Nate and me. We were going to talk about my grandmother, the moon goddess. Then we were going to order, not ask, him to get his 'sea witches' to perform a location spell to find the organization that was hunting vampires. Also, find out if there was a way to stop those bullets from causing any of us pain and even death.

"Jay, as you know, you are charged with murder, but we may choose to ignore it for the time being if you promise to help us," Nate said, narrowing his gaze at Jay. "We are currently dealing with a dangerous organization that's hunting and killing vampires, and we fear that they may attack us when they find out we protecting vampires. If you haven't been informed, they are using divine blood they obtained from my son, the young prince and with this blood, they made bullets meant to kill vampires in minutes."

"Rebekah is involved with them," Jay muttered.

"We believe so, or she might have created this group because of this badge," Nate pulled out the plastic bag that held the badge taken from the people who attacked the covens. "I was told that you know witches, and we want you to get them to perform a location spell using this badge to find their hideaway. Also, we want you to be part of our attack team when we attack this group."

Jay nodded, ' yes', "Of course, I want to help and give it my all, but..." He glanced over to me, "I'm worried about Laura. Have you decided?" He asked me.

"Don't look at my mate! And don't call her by her first name!" Nate growled in a dangerously low tone.

Jay sighed under his breath and turned to look at Nate. He was about to say something, but I stopped him, "I want to put an end to my grandmother." I said, earning a shocked glance from both Jay and Nate. "She's a monster, I could tell, but how am I going to fight against a goddess?"

A smirk appeared on Jay's face, "Don't worry about that; we have it covered." He said.

"We?" Nate questioned.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Liam walked in; he quickly bowed and rushed to Nate's desk, "Alpha King, there are visitors that would like to see you all. They claim to be here because of Jay." He said side, glancing over to Jay.

Nate was hesitant, "let them in." He ordered, and Liam bowed, then hurried out. Then, seconds later, the doors opened, and four people walked in: two women and two men. They turned once they entered and rose, "And who are you?" Nate asked.

"I am Eleanor, and she is Jasmine," the woman with raven black hair answered and pointed at the woman with red wavy hair next to her. They both had coral green eyes; Eleanor had an emotionless face, whilst Jasmine had a wide smile. "We are sea witches," Eleanor said.

Sea witches are authentic. I thought they were nothing but legends, a myth to scare wolves into not messing with witches. "This Isaac, his vampire," Jasmine said, pointing over at the man with black hair and slightly dark red eyes. He looked cold like he was here for nothing more than business, "he, my husband." Jasmine said with a proud grin.

Do they know about the organization? I thought to myself.

"And this young man with a smirk is Thanatos--"

"God of death!" He cuts Eleanor, exclaiming excitedly and bowing again. He had long dark red hair and cold blue eyes, which was confusing. He seemed so happy, but his eyes told a different story. However, what was more shocking was that he was the god of Death. He glanced over to me and grinned, "You must be Laura! Oh, you do look like your late mother and... Grandmother." He said.

"Huh... Thanks?" I said, stretching out my hand and suggesting we shake hands, but he and the sea witches gasped in shock.

Thanatos stepped back, "Forgive me, Laura, but you are pregnant, and I'm dead, which means we must never have physical contact, or else your young ones will lose their lives." He said both Nate and I gasped. "Anyway, it was not like you knew about that," he smiled, then glanced over to Nate. "I'm here to help in fighting Luna. That witch needs to go down."

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" Sean asked, lifting his hand as if he was in a classroom.

"Isn't it clear?" Thanatos asked, rolling his eyes and looking at Sean, "Laura will kill Luna and become the new moon goddess. I'm here to help Laura connect with divine powers."

"But we have other issues to attend to as well, and if you have forgotten, my mate is pregnant," Nate growled, slowly standing on his feet.

I groaned in annoyance at Nate's temper and stood on my, "Nate, be nice; Thanatos will help me fight my grandmother, and the sea witches are here to help track the organization. So please, can you watch your temper." I said, and then I felt something wet going down between my legs, and it looked like everyone noticed it as they all gasped or gaped in shock whilst Thanatos chuckled.

"I didn't know it was your due date," Thanatos said, clapping his hands, then looking around to see everyone tense up. "Why ain't you happy?" He asked.

"Dude, it's early!" Sean answered.

"Oh..." Thanatos smiled nervously at me, "CONGRATS!"

Suddenly, I felt pain again, and I screamed...

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