-• Chapter 8 •-

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The next day, afternoon
~* Shadow's Pov *~

Worst. Mission. EVER. First of all, it interrupted me and Sonic. Second of all, the commander is a dick. Third of all, I was stuck with some rookie agents, for whatever reason I don't know, and they ended up nearly getting me killed! They're lucky I can heal myself with chaos energy.
I trudged back home, exhausted for once, healing does take a lot out of me.
Finally, I made it home. I swung the door open and slammed it in a mood.

"Hey! What did I tell you about slamming the goddamn door?!" Rouge yelled from the kitchen, I rolled my eyes and stomped up to my room, kicked my shoes off, then hopped into my bed.
I lay in bed, drifting to sleep, but I heard the flapping of Rouge's wings coming towards my room. She knocked and came in, she knows I usually just come in and lay in bed after missions.

"Bad one, eh?" Rouge cooed, I groaned in response and she lightly chuckled.
"Sonic texted me last night asking when you were back from your mission, by the way." My ears pricked up.

"Really? Mm." I murmured, my face stuffed in my pillows.

"Want me to text him you're back?" She said a little teasingly.

"Don't care."

"I'll take that as a yes!" I heard her fingers rapidly tapping off her phone. "He said cool, probably will text you."

"Ugh.." I groaned when I heard my phone buzz, I reluctantly checked it and it was Sonic, asking to meet up and I just replied with a thumbs up.

"Going for a shower." I groaned and sluggishly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and heard the noise of Rouge's shoes going back downstairs.

I yanked my socks and gloves off, turned on the shower and stood waiting for it to heat up. Since me and Rouge work for G.U.N, we had quite a modern home I guess you could say. The bathroom was a fair size with a large bath, marble countertops, large shower space, stuff like that and my favourite thing? Bluetooth mirror. Usually I would connect my phone and play music, but I couldn't be bothered. I stood under the hot water, and man, you don't get how good it feels when the water runs down my quills.
I lathered up the shampoo and ran my hands through my quills and the rest of my body cause' you know, fur. Shortly after, I got out, dried myself and headed back to my room to grab a new pair of socks and gloves, then put my shoes on. I texted Faker again asking where to meet, to which he said the lake we were at the other day, so I made sure my quills were nice and left.

~* Sonic's Pov *~

I told Shadow to meet me at the lake, but this time i'm not going to put on that perfume. I don't know what i'm gonna say or do though, like what happens after this? We forget and just start fighting per usual or..? Because i'm not sure if Shadow actually does have feelings for me or it was just the perfume making him act like that. Oh well, guess I'll see when I'm there.
I put my shoes on and left to meet him.


I skidded to a halt, looked around for Shadow, but he wasn't here yet, so I sat down and picked the grass like I did last time. I was to busy in thought and occupied by playing with the grass to notice Shadow has appeared, he's always just so quiet and slick.

"Hedgehog." Shadow grunted, his nose seemed to be twitching a little and he looked a little confused before returning to a scowl.

"Oh. Hi." I stood up and dusted myself off. "Notice anything different?" I asked him.

He slightly raised his eyebrow and hesitated before speaking. "Uh.. no."

"You sure?" I slightly smirked, I felt a little relief, unless he was lying..

"Uh.. well.. you smell different" Fuck. I never swear but fuck.

"Well, that's the reason I wanted to talk." I said, sitting back down, which he also did.
"So obviously, you're not all over me right now." Shadow sent me a glare.

"I was sent a perfume, but it didn't say who it was from. Me, Tails or anyone else can't smell it except from you, as far as we know."

"Eggman." Shadow grumbled, balling his fists.

"And seeing as I'm not wearing it right now, you aren't acting weird."

"Weird? Don't act like you didn't like it Faker." Shadow scoffed, but also slightly smirked, I could feel myself blushing.

"Uhh.. let's just move off of that subject.." I scratched the back of my neck. "But we need to find out what Egghead is up to, and whatever.. strange plans he has." Shadow nodded and got up, holding out his hand for me, which I hesitantly took.

"First though, Tails asked if it would be okay if he could run a test on you?" Shadow thought about it for a moment before grumpily agreeing.

"Race you back then!" I sped off, with Shadow close behind, yelling at me.

Votes and comments!😆😆

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