Chapter 3 Superman Is here

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The next day after crossing over.

He stood at the window's edge, overlooking the city in all of its Glory with bright eyes.

The bright lights, billboard signs, the fancy cars.

The regular people moving from place to place, some driving comfortably within their cars, while others furiously waved for taxi's to stop and let them board.

Others ran on both legs, looking hastily dressed while carrying loads of baggage in their arms. He was sure that they either didn't have money for a cab or believed waiting for one would slow them down.

Looking at it all, it was disoriented, chaotic even with loud shouts and numerous distractions everywhere.

Yet, it had some kind of strange attraction to it, making all these things seem to be just right.

Not far away, you could see one of the most illustrious landmarks in the city, just about towering over every other building which held the responsibility of passing information to its citizens.

He should know, he literally stood at the very top of it last night.

The daily planet. With the planet globe at the top of it. Human architecture is outstanding, to say the least.

The sun hung in the sky shining brightly on the bustling city that was Metropolis, home of the red and blue sporting Man of tomorrow.

What's that? It's a bird. No, It's a plane. No, it's Superman.

Hehehe. Quite amusing.

He wasn't here, though. If he were, he would have been the first one to greet him when he made his entrance miles outside the city.

So Nah, he definitely wasn't. According to the public siting, Superman was last seen stopping a bank robbery several days ago before disappearing.

Where he was now was currently unknown, to the regular folk at least. But he knew.

Well, let's rephrase that. He didn't know where Superman was right now and quite frankly, he didn't want to. But that didn't matter one bit.

What mattered was... Oh, is that dog driving a kid to school?


You see something new every day don't you.

Sigh (imaginary shaking of the head)

Irresponsible parents.

Oh well, where was I?

Oh! yes.

He wasn't here though, but he will be. Soon in fact.

Shouldn't take more than an hour at most. And when he appears, the camera will be set on stage.

"Note to self, looking into the future is too costly. Just seeing all possible events today drained me of more than a hundred Apex celestial energy units".

He said to himself from the window of the hotel. When he arrived last night, he had taken the opportunity to try to discern what universe he was currently in.

Turns out, he was in an AU for all he could find out.

Apparently, the Justice league was formed years ago when earth suffered an invasion from Apokalips. Darkseid and his army of parademons.

Yeah, it's them.

Shouldn't it be the Justice league war timeline?

Here's the catch. There's a Martian Man hunter alongside it and a second Green Lantern. No white Martians invading, so it's not Justice league unlimited.

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