Chapter 28 Gordon Godfrey

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United States.


"..... Cat Grant with GBS over here and a lovely evening to you all, folks. Here with me today to answer some questions and share his own opinions concerning the brewing events plaguing the minds of the American citizens is one of your favorite special TV hosts, G. Gordon Godfrey". A familiar television personality was speaking over the live feed.

Cat Grant looked away from the camera towards the man sitting opposite her on the other end of the table.

"A good evening to you as well, Mr. Gordon".

"Good evening to you too, Cat. Hey there folks, Gordon Godfrey, and it's a pleasure to be here".

"Perfect. Then let's get started. Mr. Gordon, would you mind letting the American populace know what are your thoughts concerning the recent Central City invasion".

"Well, I feel a lot Cat, and might I say folks. I think it's rather ironic that the latest, most pressing info for our lovely world citizens is actually something that happened weeks ago. Let's get into details, shall we?"

The classy, outspoken GBS pundit questioned at the camera while adjusting his tie slightly. With his Caucasian appearance, blond hair, blue eyes and discriminatory opinions, Gordon was quite famous in the television industry.

"Great!" Cat gave a slight smile before resuming a serious expression.

"It's been roughly a month plus since the United States Central City incident, which unexpectedly led to the creation of the global alien invasion chart. What are your thoughts on this matter?"

"Well, my thoughts are pretty simple. Has the United States experienced more extraterrestrial threats than any other nation in the world? Well folks, there's no need for a chart, as even a ten-year-old could answer that question". Gordon said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I mean, come on, we constantly see it. We were all here when General Zod and his kryptonian army came to earth for Superman. Stepphenwolf and his .... Parademons, The entity of fear, Parallax, and now we can put this new addition on the list of successive disasters. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if we should start making gambling sites betting on when the next one's gonna happen cause at this point folks, this whole charade is becoming a yearly occurrence".

Gordon's mouth opened, speaking loudly as he stated his case.

A video clip recording scenes of these incidents began playing on the background screen one by one.

"Metropolis, Coast city, Washington and now Central City. What do these places all have in common, people? All of these things happened precisely on good old American soil". 

"Honestly, I'm considering leaving the states and packing up to Hawaii for a forever vacation. Because man it is scary here".

"Well, don't you think you're going a little over the top, Mr. Gordon? I mean, while this incident is also a major catastrophe, it's not quite as damaging as the previous incidents, wouldn't you say?"

Cat asked lightly.

"Over the top? What's over the top about an alien invasion almost wiping out a city populated by more than 6.5 Million people?" Gordon raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, if that's considered over the top, then do we have to wait until half the life on Earth is wiped out before it can be properly justified". He relaxed comfortably into the sofa as he finished his words.

Cat's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she caught a hint in Gordon's words.

"You're referring to the citywide mind control thing".

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