Chapter 14 That Was Quick

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"Oh! Looks like they're some who aren't afraid of death". Amari said with amusement as he watched people leave the Café in droves. Faces filled with fear as they hastily made their way to the exit.

Except for some people. Six people, no, six teenagers to be precise. His eyes landing on the Junior Justice team, as he liked to call them.

Everyone else had run out, making them look awfully conspicuous in the now empty Café.

As they were the only ones present within the establishment, his voice was loud and clear in their ears, causing them to frown.

Superboy narrowed his eyes to form a glare.

"Robin, who is this guy?" Kaldur asked solemnly. He wasn't in a fighting stance, but his body had instinctively adjusted itself to combat readiness. His eyes were locked onto the figure who was still leisurely sitting on the chair, yet his actions of throwing a teenage boy through a window with a single hand showed that he wasn't normal. Or reasonable for that matter.

"Great, another Metahuman attack right when we're on vacation. Are our holidays cursed or something". Wally muttered in a low voice under his breath.

This was really starting to bug him. The same thing happened when they fought Mr. Twister some time ago. That time, they were also supposed to be on break as well, then a robot man in a robot suit decided to crash in while trying to find red tornado in happy harbor.

Now, they had fled to Coast city for another holiday and this happened.

Was the universe against them, having some fun.

"Another metahuman? You insult me, Wally. Even if I'm not as famous as Superman, I should at least have some publicity. Your words alone are downright demeaning. And why do you automatically assume that I'm a Metahuman? ". His voice was lowered, so only his teammates could hear his words. After all, the distance between them and their enemy was still considerable, so there was nothing wrong with muttering.

Too bad for them, the enemy this time had Super hearing.

"You…. You heard me?" Wally exclaimed in surprise, as he didn't expect the latter to hear his words.

Amari tapped his right ear twice with a blank face.

"Super hearing. It's actually not that rare. After all, central city should have plenty of enhanced humans, right? Don't tell me that you haven't faced off against one with enhanced vision or hearing?"

"No, not really, there aren't any in the flash's rogue villains' gallery..."

"WALLY!" Artemis yelled, turning to give the red haired speedster a death glare. Wasn't he just giving out sensitive information? Who told him to run his mouth at a time like this, and to a possible enemy to booth?

The others also looked at him as well. Their eyes all seemed to be conveying a critical question.

"Are you dumb?"

Even Superboy who didn't quite appreciate Wally's childish actions sometimes was speechless.

Wally had his eyes widen in horror. He raised his finger while pointing at the lazy looking Amari. He had subconsciously let something slip that he shouldn't have.


"I…. I…. What? You know, for someone who has Super speed, you're surprisingly slow on the uptake". Actually, it wasn't all that surprising. Wally West in the young justice universe wasn't exactly the brightest guy alive. He might be fast, and his IQ might be high, but he didn't always put that superfast brain of his to good use.

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