Chapter 4 Let's Dance

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The side of the building was smashed into, causing a very loud bang!

Dust and debris exploded everywhere, falling both inward and outward as large rocks broke apart from the building falling towards the sidewalk.

The unsuspecting people, too stunned to react fast enough, still reeling in from the shock while trying to understand what exactly was going on, turned into unfortunate victims who 'oh so bravely' cushioned the rock's impact.

Splats of blood flowed all over the sidewalk alongside a very squishy sound, although nobody really heard it as the whole block quickly fell into pandemonium.

Screams of horror rang across the place like a siren's call, while cars crashed into each other in an attempt to escape in a hurry. People bumped into each other, some got pushed down, while others who couldn't regain their footing were trampled upon like it were a Black Friday shopping spree.

The chaotic Metropolis just got a lot more chaotic in a matter of seconds. He didn't notice at all.... Or at least he did, but he couldn't care less.

His mind too focused on the actual situation at hand to pay attention to fleeing humans who needed possible saving.

Although he looked human, he certainly wasn't. Or maybe he was in his current form, but he didn't consider himself as one.

A loud bang occurred in the building, followed by another. A figure was smashed out at a speed faster than what the human eye could register, skittering down the asphalt floor dozens of meters before crashing into another building on the opposite end.

Deep pits and craters were left every time his pale white body slammed into the floor, until he left another hole in the wall of a building.

All anyone else could see was a momentary blur in their line of vision before a loud crash sounded on the other side of the street.

He who stood on top of a building, however, was completely unique. The comma patterns in his purple eyes had changed into a much more complex symbol.

His eyes thrummed with energy and a weird sensation of power, giving him insight far superior to anything any regular human could ever hope to achieve in several lifetimes.

The scene of the pale skinned man.... well, if he could even call him a man, getting knocked outside, causing numerous pits with his body and crashing was as clear to him as a TikTok video in slow motion.

Wait! Has TikTok been developed in this reality? Well, he'll find out later.

Anyway, the point being, he could see way more than what many people could.

This was possible due to the ability he had given himself last night, costing him a total of one thousand, five hundred and thirty-four units of energy.

Damn! It hurts just thinking about it. Still, completely worth it.

He couldn't help a slight smile creeping up his face and placing itself firmly on his lips.

Mangekyo Sharingan.

As for why the color was purple..... well, let's just say it's a customized version.

The radiant purple glow in his eyes thrummed slightly as he looked away to the position of the initial crash.

The cloud of dust which obscured the view of what was inside served no hindrance to his insanely enhanced vision.

Ignoring the screams of panic and cries for help, he takes in the sight before him.

A man fully clad in blue spandex, red boots, a flowing red cape and a massive 'S' symbol on his chest stood heroically in the building. With eyes glowing red, his shiny black hair and cool looking cape flowed with the wind, giving him an air of heroism, strength, and perspective charm. Where the wind comes from, we shall never know. With his arms boldly folded across his chest, a nonchalant expression on his face portraying the confidence capable of dealing with anything the universe throws at him..........

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