Chapter 45 Illusion

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“Ugh!” Bruce's eyes snapped back to reality. The surroundings were the same as he last saw it before Tsukyuomi.

But Bruce didn't register any of it. He only felt his vision darken immediately as soon as he returned from the Tsukyuomi space.

Like a deflated balloon, Batman's body seemed to lose all strength and fell from his “invisible support”.

Thud! The body fell to the ground with a small thud. Amari watched him fall blankly.

“And that wraps up tonight's turn of events”. Despite saying that, the ball of destruction rotating on his hand gave off no signs of dissipating.

“Unless of course, the Man Of Steel has something to say about it. Do you, Mr. Kent”.

Amari twisted his neck slightly to make a popping sound. In the eyes of a normal person, his words seemed to be directed at the wind.

However, less than a moment passed, and a figure appeared on the roof at lightning speed. The blurry silhouette faded and what was revealed was the well-built, muscular figure of a man, with his upper body completely naked.

Wearing loose fitting pants, black hair, blue eyes and chiseled features.

Clark looked at Amari with narrowed eyes. His gaze drifted between Bruce's fallen body to Amari's face to the ball of destruction rotating within his palm.

Amari examined the Man Of Tomorrow, who looked in better shape than a recovery patient checking out of the hospital just after stepping out of the Watchtowers Med Bay.

The frown on his face clearly showcased his current mood.

“What did you do to him?” Clark asked grimly. If not for the fact that he could still hear Bruce's heartbeat, although beating irregularly but still beating, only God knows how Clark would react at the moment.

“Tortured him mentally”. Amari responded plainly.

Clark's eyes widened before he clenched his fists. Still, the Man Of Steel didn't make a move.

“What you've done.....” Clark was interrupted mid-sentence.

“Was all their fault”. Amari said apathetically.

“You said it yourself, they were under control”.

“I missed the part where that's my problem”.

Clark's frown deepened. Green arrow barely had time to put him up to speed concerning all that was happening when he woke up. As soon as he realized what Bruce had taken the League to do, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

And so, Clark rushed over. As could be inferred from the fact that he wasn't even wearing his Super Suit. Still, though, his arrival was a bit late.

He only made it in time to listen to Batman and Amari's conversation. The fact that the league had been mind controlled bothered him a lot but the result of this..... Altercation left Superman noticeably surprised.

The senses of a kryptonian under yellow sun for almost thirty years were powerful. Even while speaking with Amari, he could hear green lantern and the others being rescued by other league members.

Although Clark had a deep feeling that The Deviant was powerful, he didn't expect it to reach this level. Shazam was strong, and he had Hal and Martian Manhunter alongside Zatara.

Their comprehensive abilities combined would give even him a slight headache.

Still, just because they were his teammates and friends, Clark wouldn't cover up for them when they were in the wrong. The actions of Batman and the others were too much, and it was normal for Amari to retaliate.

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