Chapter 42 Shazam

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Gotham City was a place where you learn to expect the unexpected to survive.

What happened here every night for all of its residents was nothing more than the average weekday. Tonight, certainly, wouldn't be any different.


With a loud bang, the roof of the dilapidated warehouse explodes. Dust and debris flying every which way, alongside several figures rushing out of the building that was already on the verge of collapse before this.

The least eye catching was a grappling line that shot towards the high ledge of a taller building. The dark figure of Batman swooshed through the window and out of the building just before the whole place caved in on itself.

With incredible reflexes, superb skills and his grappling gun, he swung from one ledge to another before landing on the damaged road.

The streets in these parts of the slum were exactly as how you would expect it. Like an abandoned construction site urgently in need of repairs.

Bruce couldn't care less. He had barely regained his footing when something green burst out of the collapsing building at remarkable speeds.

“Ugh!” The green silhouette hit the caped crusader head on, knocking him back like a bowling pin, several meters away.

“Thud!” Bruce crashed to the ground with a thud.

Hal, who was thrown out on the other hand, bounced off the ground many times before slamming into a wall.

Cracks similar to spiderwebs appeared on the point of impact.

The Green Lantern let out a low groan.

“Well, I didn't see that coming”. He meant it literally. The speed of the attack was too fast for him to react to.

Thinking of this, Hal gritted his teeth in frustration. This wasn't the first time he had faced him and just like back then, he was having his ass handed to him.

Hal slowly lifted himself off the crash point. The small rubble that had fallen on his glowing uniform slid off as he returned his gaze to the hole he had made when he was blasted out.

The Warehouse was on the verge of collapse. Numerous cracks had appeared on the walls and debris fell with every passing second.

“I didn't expect you to”. A nonchalant voice fell into Hal's ears. A figure leisurely stepped out of the hole that was formed due to the Lantern's exit.

Amari stood at a distance, his facial expression as flat as his voice tone. His right hand held a man dressed in formal attire which consisted of a white shirt with a red bow-tie attached, over which there is a yellow vest, topped by a black blazer.

Giovanni Zatara.

Unfortunately, he was now unconscious.

Hal's eyes widened when he saw this. Especially when he noticed that wisps of florescent lights were being drawn out of the magician.

“By the way, you should let him know if he wakes up......” As the last florescent energy was drawn from Giovanni, Amari casually tossed the Italian on the floor like discarded garbage.

“........ That magic doesn't work on me”.

Seeing Zatara unmoving, Hal burst into a flood of rage.

“Agghhhhh!” Bursts of dazzling green willpower emerged from all over him. He stretched his right hand forward and supported it with his left hand.

A beam of terrifying energy condensed on his ring.

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