Chapter 19 War Of The Bounty Hunters 1

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Somewhere within Sector 2814

A dash of green light could be seen in the scene, zooming past asteroids with incredible precision. The green beam of light, after passing through several asteroid fields, revealed what looked to be a humanoid figure.

Its body structure looked humanoid. Its features, however, were far from it.

Pitch-black skin, a rhino horn on its forehead sticking out like a thorn and spikes extending from its lower back.

With its massive body was three times that of a regular human, If placed on Earth, the looks of this creature could scare full-grown adults to tears. Yet, when placed within the vast universe, his features were considered good.

"Found you".

Tuk Rumon said in a voice as soft as an opera singer's. Massively contradicting when compared to its monstrous appearance.

As a Green lantern, Tuk's usual tasks were to patrol the neighboring area two sectors over. Unfortunately, his patrol had to be put on hold as he engaged in a high intensity chase across sectors to catch a rather dangerous individual.

Leading him all the way to sector 2814.

The green aura around him glowed in intensity as he blasted forward again, ignoring all obstacles in his path. A rather troublesome distance away was a spaceship travelling at full speed.

Well, it would be going at full speed if the engines of the space transport hadn't been damaged by Tuk's energy blasts.

[Energy thrusters 76% damaged. Power at 16% capacity. Energy shields offline. Weapons systems....]

The sound of an AI giving a full report on the ship's status update could be heard. And quite frankly, it was all that was needed to drive its pilot into a state of rage.

"Uck! Uck! For all the credits in the universe, I swear you won't have a peaceful death Lantern. My beautiful ship… All gone…". The alien creature that looked like a furry hairball with four legs and a massive build yelled in exasperation.

Spaceships weren't easy to afford. Especially one similar to the type he had, fully loaded with automated weapons systems, energy shields, advanced communication systems... Rizer had never felt worse in his one hundred and twenty-three years of existence.

He was a young, promising intergalactic criminal, and a rather skilled one at that. He was headed towards a certain designation in mind when he was unlucky enough to be spotted by a green lantern on his patrol.

Of course, he did what any other experienced criminal would do whenever they met the Space Police. Classic hit-and-run.

His race wasn't anything special in the universe that would give him capabilities to fight off a green lantern or possible kill one. So he used his ship's defense systems which he had swindled a certain sucker into installing in his regular spacecraft which was stolen from a certain high-end noble of a certain star sector... Where was he going with this?

Oh! yes. He used it to attack the pursuing Lantern while searching for opportunities to shake him off.

Sadly, it leads to the current situation he was in.

"Uck! I won't just sit here and wait to be captured!" He exclaimed and immediately headed to the ship's rear. The ship of a noble from a wealthy planet was particularly loaded.

Even if it wasn't the main one, it was actually equipped with six escape pods.

And luckily for him, there was a dead planet nearby. He had already set the ship's course for the dead planet while setting a timer for ejection of all pods.

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