Whispers of the Green Ninja

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Happy holidays everyone! My present to you all ho ho ho!

Observing the green-clad figure before me, I couldn't suppress a self-deprecating scoff upon noticing his matching green eyes. It seemed odd that such a rare colour was not as unique as I had thought. However, the more pressing matter was my current predicament—I was lost, facing a dead end with a stranger who took an unexpected step forward.

Instinctively, I retreated a step, my nerves palpable as I shakily questioned, "Who are you, and what do you want with me?" His expression shifted to one of genuine confusion, yet he maintained composure. It was as if something clicked in his mind, and after a moment of contemplation, he calmly replied, "I'm a guardian of Ninjago. You are safe."

His response left me in a state of bewilderment. A guardian? Such a concept was foreign to me; back in my hometown, there was no mention of such protectors. The mysterious circumstances surrounding my encounter only deepened, and I found myself entangled in a city that defied the familiar norms I had known.

"Guardian?" I couldn't help but question, and he nodded, stating, "The green ninja, to be specific." My jaw dropped at the revelation. An unexpected idea crossed my mind, so I gathered the courage to ask, "So, if you're the guardian, can you walk me home? I'm lost." A glimmer of amusement danced in his eyes, and he let out a hearty laugh. "Well, this was not what I was expecting, but sure, of course." It seemed that my unusual request had taken even the green ninja by surprise, adding a touch of humour to the enigmatic encounter.

"Do you want to get home the quick route?" he mischievously asks, and I couldn't resist responding with a nonchalant "Sure, what could go wrong?" Little did I know that this seemingly innocent decision would set the stage for a journey beyond the ordinary, as I embarked on the unexpected with the enigmatic green ninja by my side.

Oh, how wrong I was. In an instant, he pulled me close, his strong arms wrapped securely around my waist, and we were off—jumping effortlessly from one building to the next, defying the very laws of nature. A startled yelp escaped my lips, and instinctively, I pressed my head against his chest, my grip on him tightening with each gravity-defying leap.

He chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the extraordinary feat, and casually remarked, "You're fine." As if the laws of physics were mere suggestions. Indignant, I shot back, "Are you crazy?" Yet, my words were drowned out by the rush of wind as we soared from one building's pinnacle to another. My heart danced on the edge between exhilaration and fear, caught in the breath-taking spectacle of the impossible.

My miscalculation was locking gazes with him, and in that suspended moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. For an instant, the grip of fear loosened, replaced by a fleeting sense of connection. Even though his face was concealed, those sharp brown eyebrows hinted at a reassuring familiarity. However, any semblance of comfort shattered as we catapulted into a monumental leap.

The scream that escaped me might have shattered a few windows, and to my surprise, the green ninja found my reaction thoroughly entertaining. His laughter reverberated through the air, the rise and fall of his chest a testament to his amusement. Unable to resist the urge, I playfully smacked his back, my hand trembling as I shakily accused, "You are a fool." He countered with a cheeky grin, "I guess that makes you an even bigger fool for following through." His audacious response left me momentarily stunned, my eyes rolling playfully in response.

But this descent was the most harrowing of all. We plummeted through the air, my hair dancing wildly in the breeze, and the force threatening to pry me from the green ninja's grip. As the ground rapidly approached, my already tight hold on him clenched even more. In a feat of ninja-like finesse, he landed safely on the ground, leaving me in bewildered awe.

Once released, I leaned on him for support, feeling a wave of dizziness engulf me. No amusement park ride could compare to the rollercoaster of sensations I had just experienced. I resembled a hurricane survivor, yet shockingly, I emerged unscathed. The green ninja, seemingly unfazed by the chaos, inquired, "Are you okay? You're not dying on me now, are you?" playfully poking my arm. Swiftly swatting his hand away, I retorted, "I'm doing just fine," creating a buffer of space to conceal the impact this wild journey had on me. Amusement sparkled in the green ninja's eyes as he observed my attempt at composure.

"What a way to interact with your saviour," he mused, and I couldn't help but scoff, muttering, "More like my killer." In response, he took a step closer, cupping his ear as if struggling to hear, and asked, "What did you say there?" Seizing the opportunity, I nonchalantly stepped on his foot. Instead of a wince or protest, all he did was giggle like a little girl. The absurdity of the situation struck me, and despite my initial resistance, I found myself laughing along. Perhaps it was the lingering adrenaline or the infectious quality of his laughter—either way, the tension of the moment dissolved in shared amusement.

The journey on foot to my house continued, and I marvelled at how effortlessly our conversations flowed, as if we were old friends catching up. Arriving at my doorstep, a strange sense of déjà vu struck me. It dawned on me that this mirrored the exact scenario with Lloyd earlier in the day. I paused, suddenly intrigued. How did this green-clad guy know my address?

Unable to resist the question, I asked, "Hey, how did you know where I live?" He visibly hesitated for a moment but quickly regained his composure, responding, "As a guardian of Ninjago, I know everything that goes on here." Raising an eyebrow, I challenged him, "Everything?" Without missing a beat, he confidently replied, "Everything." I shot him a sceptical look. "That's kind of scary. Should I be concerned?" I teased. Leaning in with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he whispered, "Oh, you should be terrified, little lady." Laughter ensued, washing away any lingering concerns in the amusing absurdity of the situation.

With our farewells spoken, he vanished in the blink of an eye. I stood there, eyes darting around in genuine amazement for a good minute, finding no trace of him. I couldn't help but acknowledge that he truly embodied the essence of a ninja.

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