The Purrfect Adventure

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I chuckle and reply, "Well, he needs a throne, a kingdom isn't complete without one." Lloyd grins and suggests a cosy cat bed fit for royalty. As we continue shopping, I can't help but appreciate how effortlessly we navigate this task together, turning it into a shared adventure.

I inspect the litter boxes and playfully adopt a regal tone, "I wonder which toilet will befit thy majesty." Lloyd chuckles and joins the whimsical accent, "We shall only choose the best of the best for him and his growing empire." Opting for an enclosed white and black litter box, I declare, "He shall need his privacy when attending to his royal affairs, so this shall suffice." Lloyd interrupts, "Damn, how long are we going to talk like this?" I playfully smack him and grumble, "You ruined it, as always."

Lloyd and I continue exploring the aisles. As we move towards the section with cat toys, I spot a variety of colourful and enticing playthings. Lloyd picks up a feathered teaser and suggests, "Espresso would love this, don't you think?" I nod in agreement, imagining Espresso chasing the feathers with boundless energy.

"I could only imagine the state my house will be in with all these toys he will be chasing," I remark. Lloyd responds, "If it comes down to it, I can always take him and teach this naughty cat a lesson about cleaning and manners." I smile teasingly, "Wow, finally taking accountability and some care for our son, huh? Even if it is to punish him, very sad," shaking my head exaggeratedly.

Lloyd leans in and asks, "Why are you lying now? I have contributed much—my ego, my dignity, and my heart to this little fellow." I dismiss him with a wave, "Eh, not like me, though." The banter continues, creating a playful atmosphere between us as we explore the pet shop.

We reach the cat bed aisle, and Lloyd suggests a cosy, cushioned one near the window. "He can bask in the sunlight while contemplating his next adventure," Lloyd remarks with a smile. I find myself enjoying these moments with him—the shared laughter and the anticipation of welcoming Espresso into our lives.

Then I pause and ask, "What the hell do you mean by his next adventure? I most definitely won't be dealing with Espresso's antics." I mutter, "Like father, like son." Lloyd raises his brows, "I think you got it twisted, darling; it's the other way around. It's like mother, like son. Only you would get yourself into some crazy adventure over something silly." I scoff, "Hey, what do you mean silly? They were all valid!" I defend myself.

I'm enjoying this; I feel like we're an old married couple bickering over silly things as we go to buy Espresso his cat necessities. I sigh, "I'm so going to be an old cat lady." He nudges my arm, "I will be the old man who will help you with them, huh?" He winks.

I never knew how much a wink could affect my soul; it feels euphoric. The implication of him wanting to grow old with me makes me scream in my mind. "I'll be waiting then," I softly say, looking at him in the eyes, and his mischievous gaze turns soft.

We wrap up our shopping, grabbing bowls, food, litter, and all the essentials. Approaching the checkout counter with our selected items, the excitement of this unexpected pet shopping adventure lingers in the air. Little do we know that Espresso will soon be joining our duo, turning this experience into something intimate, a bond only Lloyd and I can share. Leaving the store, Lloyd holds the heavier bags, while I carry a lighter one. Despite his insistence on helping, I decline, and together we head back home.

As we stroll home, Lloyd playfully demands, "You know I do expect to get pictures of Espresso every day, and I mean it." I respond with a mischievous smile, "If you insist, I will send you the most hideous pictures of Espresso." Lloyd shakes his head confidently, "That's not possible because Espresso is a cutie." I sigh dramatically, "You're right, I lied." In response, Lloyd ruffles my hair with his free hand and smirks, "I see through your lies," teasingly. I groan, attempting to pry his hands off me once again. Holding his hand on top of mine, I marvel at its size, still not used to its hugeness. Finally, we arrive back home.

I retrieve my key from my pocket, and as we approach the door, Espresso's meows resonate, prompting Lloyd and me to exchange amused glances. Upon opening the door, Espresso greets us like the proud owner, sitting in front of us. Lloyd picks him up, showering him with affection, and I capture the moment with a picture. Slyly, I remark, "Well, this is the first picture of the day, hmm?" Lloyd chuckles, "I'll let it slide just this once." I playfully respond, "Oh, should I be scared?" He gives me a teasing look, "Most definitely." I sarcastically reply, "Oh boy, am I terrified."

I set up the bowls and fill them with food, and as the enticing aroma wafts through the air, Espresso dashes from the living room to the kitchen, eager for his meal. Lloyd's laughter rings out, and he comments, "Man, his little run is so funny," as he enters the kitchen. I playfully grab him by his hoodie strings, pulling him close, "Hey now, don't you go bullying Espresso," I tease, poking my finger on his forehead before releasing him and turning to set up the litter box. Lloyd looks momentarily stunned, and I retort, "Cat got your tongue?" He snaps out of it, rolling his eyes, "Hilarious, aren't you?" I reply with a cheeky "Yep, jealous?" and he playfully slaps his forehead.

As Lloyd receives a phone call, he excuses himself and steps into the living room to answer. After a brief conversation, he returns with a slightly disappointed expression. "Looks like I have to go, duty calls," he sighs, and I offer a reassuring smile, "It's okay, you have to do what you've got to do."

He hugs me, and I express my gratitude by whispering into his chest, "Thank you for today and yesterday. I've been thoroughly entertained with your company." Lloyd chuckles, "The feeling is mutual; I haven't had this much fun in a bit."

As we part, Lloyd gives Espresso's head one last pat, and I walk him to the door. We exchange goodbyes, and I watch him walk away, leaning against the door. A tinge of disappointment lingers; it's been a blast with him. With a sigh, I return inside, determined to continue setting up for the cosy night with Espresso.

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