Festive Frolics and Amusing Antics

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The moment, though brief, felt like an eternity, abruptly interrupted by the applause of onlookers. We disentangle from our pose, both of us wearing expressions of surprise. Did they mistake our spontaneous dance for some kind of performance? I shoot Lloyd a bewildered look, and he seems to find the whole situation rather amusing.

"Well, that wasn't what I expected," I remark, a bit disappointed that our private moment turned public.

Lloyd, still entertained, replies, "Tell me about it. But then again, whenever I'm with you, the most random things tend to happen."

I playfully retort, "Hey, I've got that effect," giving him a sly look, and he responds with a lazy smirk. Nya and Jay skate over, demanding an explanation.

"What the hell, guys? Are you putting on a show?" Nya asks, a mix of confusion and amusement on her face. I laugh and point at Lloyd, teasing, "All him." He shoots me a betrayed look but reluctantly nods in agreement.

As the crowd resumes skating, I can't help but cringe inwardly. They witnessed our impromptu dance, and while it wasn't anything outrageous, the fact that they saw it feels oddly exposed. Maybe it's just my perspective playing tricks on me.

We decided to wrap up our ice-skating adventure, my legs feeling the strain. As we headed out, we spotted some tables and decided to take a seat. I retrieved the presents from my tote bag, and Nya couldn't contain her excitement, exclaiming, "Aww, Y/n, you shouldn't have."

I reassured her that it was a must. Handing out the gifts, Jay couldn't help but express his gratitude, yelling, "Y/n, you even got me one! I'm so honoured." I laughed, replying, "Of course, wouldn't want anyone left out," and he responded with a beaming smile.

Lloyd, in his usual understated manner, softly smiled, affectionately rubbing my hair, and said, "You're too caring for your own good. Thank you." A shy smile graced my face – his compliment felt like a rare gem, one I hadn't received before.

As Nya and Jay excused themselves to the bathroom, leaving only Lloyd and me at the table, a sense of intimacy settled between us. Taking advantage of the moment, Lloyd reached into his pocket and produced a small box with a playful grin.

"Now that they're away, I can give you your present," he declared, and my heart fluttered with anticipation. He opened the box to reveal a delicate necklace adorned with a snowflake pendant. I couldn't help but emit a soft "aww" at the thoughtful gift.

"Lloyd, you really didn't have to do this," I expressed my gratitude, feeling touched by his gesture.

He leaned back, a playful glint in his eyes, "Either did you, so here we are. I bought this as our encounter was in winter." The sincerity in his words made my heart swell with warmth, and I couldn't help but smile.

"You're too adorable," I replied, my heart practically doing somersaults. Lloyd, not one to be outdone, got up and moved behind me, his proximity sending a shiver down my spine. In a hushed tone, he asked, "You don't mind if I put this on you?" I nodded, giving my silent approval, as he delicately fastened the necklace around my neck. The touch of his fingers lingering sent a rush of emotions through me, and as he clasped it together, allowing the pendant to rest against my skin, I was captivated by the moment.

He then gently spins me around to face him, his eyes fixing on the necklace adorning my neck, and a warm smile spreads across his face. I reciprocate with a genuine smile, expressing my gratitude once again. As we share this intimate moment, a voice pierces the air, freezing me in horror.

My heart, once warmed by the joy of the moment, shatters into pieces at the sound. I turn quickly, my suspicions confirmed as I spot my ex in the distance. Panic courses through my veins, fuelled by fear and embarrassment. The dread intensifies as he steadily approaches our direction, and Lloyd, sensing my distress, queries, "What's going on?"

I glance in the direction of my ex and notice the same group of guys Lloyd was wary of. My mouth goes dry, and my pulse quickens as they draw closer. In a desperate attempt to avoid detection, I instinctively do the next best thing – I hug Lloyd tightly, burying my face in his chest, and whisper, "I'm sorry."

He gently strokes my hair and whispers soothingly, "There's nothing to be sorry about." I glance up at him, my eyes still teary, and hide my face once again in embarrassment. I never wanted Lloyd to witness my tears, so I try to distract myself by focusing on his scent and warmth.

He envelops me like a comforting embrace, smelling like home. Today, he wears a robust cologne with a delightful musky fragrance that I find intoxicating. His warmth radiates both inside and out, his strong arm securely wrapped around my waist, creating a sense of safety. His other hand gently strokes my hair as he murmurs sweet words to calm my racing heart.

Amidst the fading tension, Lloyd whispers, "They're gone now, completely out of sight." I respond with a grateful squeeze before releasing myself from his comforting embrace. Offering him a crooked smile, tinged with a hint of embarrassment, I express my gratitude, saying, "Thanks..." Lloyd's response, "Anything for you," warms my heart, and my smile widens at his kindness.

He gently wipes away a smudge of mascara from under my eyes, an unspoken acknowledgment of the unspoken turmoil. A sense of relief washes over me that he hasn't pressed for an explanation.

As if eager to shift the atmosphere, Lloyd picks up Lloyd Jr, the plush cat, and playfully teases by stuffing it into my face. He makes silly little kiss sounds, whimsically claiming to "kiss mummy's tears away." Laughter bubbles forth, and I playfully attempt to stop the plush from reaching my face again. In that moment, Lloyd's worries dissipate as he sees me laugh, turning the residue of anxiety into shared joy.

As Nya and Jay return, Nya laughs, saying, "Clearly we didn't miss out too much," unknowingly underestimating the eventful moments that transpired. Lloyd chuckles and playfully challenges, "What's that meant to mean, Nya?" She dismissively waves her hand, sharing another round of laughter.

Jay, suggesting a shift to the fair, receives unanimous agreement. Expressing my enthusiasm for the fair, I share my love for thrilling yet scary rides—my cup of tea. Nya joins in, resonating with the excitement. However, Jay confesses, "I'm actually terrified of them." I tease, "Did you not suggest to go?" with a laugh. Jay responds, "Well, now I'm regretting it."

Lloyd, with a grimace, hints at a childhood memory involving dumb decisions. I choose not to pry and jest, "Not shocked coming from you." Lloyd laughs, playfully feigning hurt, "Ouch, your words hurt me, Y/n." Nya nudges his elbow, adding, "She's not wrong, you know. You were quite the dumbass." Jay, in good spirits, slaps her arm playfully and comments, "You tell him." Nya, with a pointed look, warns, "Don't get me started with you. You're even worse." Laughter ensues, bonding over shared memories.

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