Winter's Unplanned Adventure

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I awkwardly glance between the two and unsurely ask "so what now..." and the green ninja seems to think about this question while the red ninja answers with "well, you certainly made it a bit too far" and the green ninja affirms with a nod and says "listen you made it this far and unfortunately we cant be sending you back as we are quite literally awaiting a snow storm any minute here, so your going to have to come with us".

As I cautiously took a step forward, the green ninja halted me with a stern expression. "You need to follow my instructions carefully. This place is booby-trapped and very dangerous. Understand, y/n?" The red ninja then chimed in, leaning casually on the green figure's shoulder, "Heh, nobody likes following your command, grumpy." The green ninja shot a disapproving look to the red one and then turned his gaze back to me, awaiting my affirmation. With a nod, I replied, "Yes, got it," prompting a laugh from the figure in red.

I retrieved my torch from the ground, relieved to find it undamaged. The green ninja led the way, with the red ninja by his side, and I trailed behind. Periodically, the green ninja glanced over his shoulder to ensure I was keeping up. In return, I couldn't resist flashing a cheeky smirk. His response was a roll of the eyes before he resumed his focus on the path ahead. Well, my adventure didn't quite go as planned, did it?

As we strolled, my eyes darted around, attempting to capture every detail while mindlessly following the two in front. In the midst of observing a tree, my head collided with a broad back—I had walked right into the green ninja. I noticed he had his arm out to prevent the red ninja from walking into something. Rubbing my nose, I marvelled at the seemingly steel-like quality of his back. He turned toward me again and warned the red ninja about a trap. They adjusted their course, and now I walked on the green ninja's left while the red ninja took the right. The journey felt endless, and I stole a side glance at the green ninja. His eyes had a piercing, calculating look as he scanned the area for any dangers. Catching my gaze, he glanced at me, and I looked away, a little pink—his perceptive eyes had caught me analysing him.

The red ninja, both bored and intrigued, inquires, "So how does heading to the forest help with your sleep problems again?" I ponder whether to craft a lie, as the truth was a bit, well, dumb. Before I could respond, the green ninja interjects, locking eyes with me, and advises, "Don't lie now." I shoot him a look of shock and amazement—how did he know? Blushing, I divert my gaze to the ground, confessing, "Basically, I thought a winter night-time adventure would tire me out and keep me entertained. That was my great big idea." The red ninja shares a knowing look with the green ninja, and they both erupt in laughter. "Wow, are you an idiot, little lad—" The green ninja nudges the red ninja, giving him a pointed look. The red ninja, catching on, corrects himself, "Little lass." I shake my head at my own foolishness. "In my defence, this idea hit me while I was sleep-deprived," I mutter, attempting to convince myself that it wasn't that embarrassing—though deep down, I knew it was.

"So tell me this much, did this adventure of yours tire you out?" the green ninja asks. I ponder on that question, but suddenly, a breeze picks up, turning into a strong gust of wind and snow. The green ninja deadpans, "Looks like we are a bit too late." He scans the area once again until he locks sight with something. In an instant, he grabs my arm, the red ninja, and quickly drags us into some sort of cave.

I looked in horror—no way am I stuck in the middle of some forest inside a cave where a snowstorm just began. It's just my luck. I groaned and covered my face with my hands, spiralling into a lot of 'what if' scenarios. However, the green ninja wasn't having it. He took my hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze while looking into my eyes. With a calm voice, he said, "You're fine; everything will be alright." The red ninja agreed, saying to the green, "We've definitely had worse situations." The green ninja chuckled, "Tell me about it."

He then created a green orb in his hand, which I couldn't take my eyes off as it glowed and acted as his light source. He inspected the space while the wind howled in the cave, giving it a scary echo. However, my mind was on the orb. "Wow, that's so cool," I gushed. The red ninja whispered to me, "Trust me, he could do a lot more cooler things," and he wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. I blushed but stood my ground mentally—Lloyd comes first. However, the green ninja groaned to himself upon hearing what the red ninja whispered, as he had good hearing. He gave him an 'are you serious right now' look, and the red ninja smirked and chuckled.

As the wind outside intensified, the red ninja, seemingly unaffected by the cold, took a casual seat on a rock, flashing a mischievous grin in my direction. The glow from the green ninja's orb cast eerie shadows on the cave walls, creating a surreal atmosphere. I couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiety and curiosity about what awaited us in this unexpected shelter..

The green ninja, still holding the glowing orb, turned to us with a serious expression. "We need to wait until the storm passes. It's not safe out there," he stated firmly, taking a seat as he contemplated the next plan of action. I couldn't help but think that this guy was definitely the leader, always assessing and coming up with solutions, reminiscent of a certain someone—Lloyd. The thought brought a smile to my face, a comforting reminder of the warmth waiting for me beyond this cave.

I thought back to what the green ninja said, nodding in acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. The cave offered some protection from the elements, but the uncertainty of how long the storm would last made the atmosphere tense. As we settled into the cave, the red ninja decided to break the silence with a playful tone. "So, Y/N, how often do you find yourself in these adventurous predicaments?" The green ninja also looked at me, expressing his curiosity.

I groaned and replied, "You think you're so funny, don't you? Anyhow, not often, actually. This was supposed to be a simple winter night adventure to tire myself out for better sleep." The green ninja raised an eyebrow but didn't comment, focusing on maintaining the orb's glow. The red ninja, on the other hand, laughed heartily, "Well, you've certainly spiced up our night." The green ninja responded, "Dude, what the hell, why do you make everything so weird?" and I couldn't help but laugh at their banter.

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