Festival Fiasco

171 11 3

I stand in stunned silence, my mouth hanging open, as Jay rushes toward us in a hurry. Nya and I exchange puzzled glances, urging Jay to explain the sudden chaos. He blurts out, "Some guy was picking on you, Y/n! Lloyd defended you, but the other guy didn't take it well and threw a punch." My mind races, and a chilling realization dawns – my ex, the one person I hoped to avoid, is involved in the altercation. I had already spotted him earlier at the festival, and now he seems to be causing trouble.

I can't fathom why he's here in Ninjago, especially since he's always claimed to have no interest in such places. Yet, here he is, engaged in a heated altercation with Lloyd. My gasp escapes as I witness a hand attempting to swing at Lloyd, but he skilfully dodges it, prompting a sigh of relief from me. The growing crowd watches in anticipation, and as the commotion clears, I finally spot the person behind the aggression – my ex, evidently still harbouring resentment.

The tension in the air was palpable as Lloyd and my ex stood face to face, both sizing each other up. The crowd around them held their breath, eager to witness the outcome of this unexpected clash.

Lloyd, with a calm yet determined expression, breaks the silence, "I don't want trouble. Walk away, and we can all enjoy the festival peacefully."

My ex, however, wears a malicious smirk, his tone dripping with disdain, "You think you can waltz in here and play the hero? She doesn't need you defending her. She's better off without you."

Lloyd's eyes narrow, his patience wearing thin. "I suggest you leave before this escalates. I won't hesitate to defend myself."

The ex, fuelled by anger, throws a punch, but Lloyd effortlessly dodges it. The fight intensifies, each movement calculated. Amidst the scuffle, Lloyd retorts, "She's not an object to possess. She chooses who she wants, and right now, it's not you."

My ex grins maliciously, "She'll come back to me eventually. They always do."

Lloyd's eyes flash with determination, "Not this time. She deserves better."

The clash continues, a dance of fists and words in the bustling festival. The atmosphere remains charged with a mix of tension and anticipation, unsure of where this unexpected confrontation will lead.

My heart aches with a mix of pain and anger as my ex's venomous words echo in the air. Nya places a comforting hand on my shoulder, a silent gesture of support, while Jay fumes with indignation, unable to comprehend how someone could spew such venom.

On the flip side, there's a strange sense of satisfaction knowing that Lloyd is standing up for me. His respect and protective nature, though appreciated, stir conflicting emotions within me. I take a deep breath, steeling myself to confront the situation.

As my ex continues his verbal assault, he delivers a low blow, "You're funny to think she'd ever like you, the son of Lord Garmadon." The crowd reacts with gasps and murmurs, and I catch a glimpse of pain in Lloyd's eyes, a vulnerability I've never witnessed before.

Curiosity gnaws at me about the mysterious Lord Garmadon, but Nya and Jay exchange glances, signalling that it's a topic better discussed by Lloyd himself. I nod, acknowledging their silent advice, and turn my attention back to the unfolding scene, awaiting Lloyd's response to the unexpected revelation.

Lloyd, though visibly affected by the mention of his father, Lord Garmadon, maintains his composure. He takes a deep breath, steadying himself before responding to my ex's hurtful words.

With a calm but firm tone, Lloyd says, "You don't know anything about her or me. Don't pretend to understand our relationship. And as for my father, that's a part of my past I've come to terms with. I won't let anyone use it against me."

His words carry a quiet strength, and there's a subtle defiance in his eyes. The crowd hushes, absorbing the tension in the air. Lloyd's response challenges the attempts to undermine him, showing a resilience that only deepens my admiration for him.

My ex, caught off guard by Lloyd's composed reaction, scowls but doesn't press the matter further. The confrontation, now simmering with an unspoken intensity, hangs in the air, leaving me grappling with a mix of emotions—gratitude for Lloyd's defence and a desire to understand the complexities of his past.

Feeling a surge of emotions, I step forward, compelled to add my voice to the situation. The crowd's attention shifts to me as I face my ex, determined but composed.

I assert, "This is between Lloyd and me. Your opinions about his past or our relationship don't matter. It's was over between us ages ago, and he's free to make his own choices. You have no right to judge him or us."

My ex, surprised by my firm stance, glares at me but remains silent. The tension lingers for a moment before Lloyd places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, silently expressing gratitude for my intervention.

The crowd, now intrigued by the unfolding drama, watches the exchange with heightened interest. The atmosphere is charged with a mix of emotions, from defiance to curiosity, as the confrontation takes a new turn.

As the tension escalates, my heart beats faster, caught in the spotlight of the unfolding drama. With a determined gaze, I address my ex, urging him to back off. Ignoring my plea, he growls and storms towards us, but before anything further unfolds, Lloyd steps forward, shielding me from the impending threat.

In a swift and precise motion, Lloyd expertly flips my ex over his shoulder, effortlessly neutralizing the confrontation. Time seems to freeze for a moment as my ex finds himself trapped on the ground, subdued by Lloyd's skilled manoeuvres. The intensity of the situation sends a shiver down my spine, and I can't help but feel a mix of relief and awe at Lloyd's ability to handle the unexpected threat. The crowd watches in stunned silence as the confrontation takes an unexpected turn.

As we make our escape, the chaotic scene gradually fades behind us, and we find refuge near the peaceful Ferris wheel. Taking a moment to catch our breaths, I notice Lloyd's dishevelled appearance – his hair tousled, blood smears marking his face, and a certain rugged charm that transforms him into a stereotypical bad boy.

Determining it's time to tend to his injuries, I retrieve a tissue from my tote bag and dampen it with some water. Urging Lloyd to sit down on a nearby rock, he complies, and I delicately begin to clean the blood from his face. Concerned, I inquire about the pain, and he reassures me with a nonchalant "no, it's alright." Leaning his head to the side to prevent blood from flowing back into his throat, I carefully examine the damage, relieved to find that his nose isn't broken. The quiet ambiance of the Ferris wheel contrasts sharply with the recent turmoil, creating a brief respite for us to regroup and recover.

Lloyd's words hang heavy in the air as he sadly mutters, his gaze fixed on the ground, "You must hate me now, the truth is out." Confusion etches across my face, and I question, "What?" His eyes remain averted as he gestures vaguely, mentioning his father and related matters.

A laugh escapes me, amused at the absurdity of his assumption after the tumultuous events of the day. He looks up, puzzled by my laughter, prompting me to clarify, "Literally nothing can make me hate you, Lloyd. I don't even know who your father is, nor does it matter to me." Still uncertain, he searches my eyes for sincerity.

Cupping his face gently, I affirm, "You are one of the best things that came into my life – kind, confident, funny, and so much more that words can't describe." His eyes soften, a fragile vulnerability taking hold, and a warm smile graces his face. "Really, is this what you think of me?" he asks. My response is a heartfelt affirmation, "Yes, really."

Apologizing for the scuffle he endured, he dismisses it with a casual, "You've got to do what you've got to do." My smile widens, and as I lower myself to his level, I murmur, "As a thank you," leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek.

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