Beneath the Mask: Lloyd's Unexpected Revelation

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Do you like the ending guys, hehe. Quite the bomb let out I cant lie.

"Oh, you did not just say that," Kai fires back in shock, and Lloyd retorts, "Yes, I did, fire pants." Kai returns with, "I don't listen to the likes of you, mister energy," doing a quotation gesture with his hands. I raise my eyebrow, wondering what on earth they're on about. I shake my head. "Okay, guys, enough of your nonsense," I step in. Kai nods, and Lloyd nods but very reluctantly, as if wanting to snap back, which I counter with a pointed look that says, "Don't."

As I suggest heading to the noodle place Kai mentioned earlier, he gives a thumbs up with his classic smirk. "I like the sound of that," he says. However, Lloyd mutters, "Of course, you do, flame brain. You just want to see your girlfriend," complete with exaggerated kissing faces. I can't help but burst into laughter, nudging Kai playfully. "Oh, Kai, you got a girl?" I ask, and he nods proudly, saying, "Oh, you bet she's the best of the best." But then he gives Lloyd a glare, asking, "Problem?" Lloyd nods with a mischievous grin, stating, "Yes, no one wants to see you making out." Kai looks shocked, mouth hanging open, and stammers, "Now you're just imagining things!" I raise an eyebrow, wondering if perhaps that was more information than I needed to know.

Kai sighs, "I prefer you when you were older," shaking his head. I chuckle and playfully rub Lloyd's bowl-cut hair. "Don't listen to him," I tell Lloyd, and he nods in agreement as we continue our walk, making occasional stops at market stalls.

We finally arrive at Chen's Noodle House, and the enticing aroma of broth fills the air. A vibrant orange-haired girl with a high ponytail approaches us. "Hello, Kai," she smiles. "Looking for a table, I presume?" She glances at me and Lloyd. Kai nods with a theatrical gesture, clasping his hands together. "Oh, you know me too well."

I introduce myself with a smile, "Hi, my name is Y/n." The orange-haired girl grins back, "Hello, Y/n. I'm Skylor. Lovely to meet you." I respond, "The pleasure is all mine." Kai, mischievously, adds, "That's Lloyd's girl I was talking about." My eyes widen in surprise, and I exclaim, "What? Pfft, you're hilarious." My cheeks redden, and little Lloyd looks mortified. Before he can say anything, Kai interrupts, "Speaking of Lloyd, well, you can just look at him." Skylor notices and remarks, "Wow, I can definitely see that." Lloyd retorts, "Yeah, no crap. You have eyes." I sigh, and Kai smacks Lloyd's head from behind, commanding him to apologize. Lloyd sheepishly mutters a sorry while rubbing the back of his head.

As we settle into our seats at Chen's Noodle House, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed. Skylor, our lively hostess, takes our orders, and the conversation between Kai, Lloyd, and me continues.

Kai starts off, "So, Y/n, how's life treating you?" I share some updates about work, my daily routine, and how I've been adjusting to the recent changes in my life. Lloyd, with newfound curiosity, chimes in, "Tell me more about our adventures together. Anything exciting?"

I indulge him with some humorous anecdotes from our past adventures, emphasizing the fun we've had and the occasional mischief we've managed to get into. Skylor, intrigued by our banter, occasionally interjects with a laugh or a comment.

As we await our noodles, the conversation takes a turn toward Skylor and Kai's relationship. Lloyd, always the candid one, asks, "So, when are you guys tying the knot?" I shoot him a look of disbelief, but Skylor takes it in good humour. She replies, "Well, we're taking things one bowl of noodles at a time for now."

The conversation flows effortlessly, mixing laughter, reminiscence, and the anticipation of a delightful meal. Little did I know that this unexpected day would weave new threads into the fabric of friendships and maybe even spark a few surprises along the way.

As the steaming bowls of noodles grace our table, a symphony of delightful aromas fills the air. Skylor, with a proud smile, sets the bowls before us, and I express my gratitude. "Thank you, Skylor, it looks amazing," I say, and she responds with a gracious nod.

We dive into our noodles with gusto, savouring each bite of the delectable dish. The flavourful broth, the perfectly cooked noodles, and the assorted toppings create a harmonious blend that tantalizes our taste buds. Skylor's culinary skills are truly commendable.

During the meal, a comfortable silence settles over our group as we relish the food in contentment. The sound of slurping noodles and satisfied sighs fills the space, a testament to the culinary delight that Chen's Noodle House has to offer.

As we near the end of our meal, I pat my stomach in satisfaction. "Man, am I full," I exclaim, and Kai, in agreement, adds, "I fully agree. I always forget how filling these noodles can be." Lloyd, with an air of nonchalance, retorts, "Weak," his bowl emptied long before ours. It seems the growing boy has a hearty appetite, a fact that doesn't go unnoticed.

Kai approaches with a hint of hesitation before finally voicing his request. "Hey Y/n, can I ask a favour?" he begins, and I meet his eyes with curiosity, urging him to continue. "Sure, what's up?" I ask, noting a hint of hesitation in his expression. After a moment's contemplation, he finally voices his request, "Could you take care of Lloyd for a bit? Skylor and I, well, we could use some time alone."

A warm smile graces my face. "Hey, yeah, of course. I don't mind," I assure him. The silent agreement is crystal clear, and I'm more than willing to lend a helping hand.

In a gesture of gratitude, Kai adds, "In return, I'll pay for your order." I chuckle, appreciating his kindness. "Heh, if you insist. I don't mind," I reply, accepting the offer with a light-hearted tone. With our arrangement settled, we bid farewell to Kai, leaving the enticing aromas of the noodle house behind, Lloyd and I stepping into the unfolding tapestry of the afternoon.

"So, what do you want to do, kid?" I ask casually as we amble through the vibrant streets. Lloyd takes a moment to ponder the question, and his attention shifts to a group of kids immersed in a lively game of tag. Unexpectedly, his usually cheerful expression transforms into one of profound sadness, leaving me utterly bewildered. What's going on in that little head of yours? I wonder.

Suddenly, with a discontented look, Lloyd grumbles, his gaze fixated on the pavement. "I hate being the green ninja," he reveals, and a shockwave of disbelief courses through me. Time seems to freeze, and I can't help but stutter, "W-what did you just say?" My mind races to comprehend the weight of his words, and the bustling city around us fades into the background.

Elevator: Chance EncounterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat