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His eyes furrowed, and he kicked a rock on the pavement, his hand tucked deep into his pocket. "I hate being the green ninja," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. My heart skipped a beat. So I had I heard him correctly. But now wasn't the time to dwell on the implications; I had an upset Lloyd to tend to. I stole a glance at him, then at the children playing nearby, and a sinking feeling settled in my chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, hoping to ease whatever burden weighed on his young shoulders. Lloyd nodded, and with that simple gesture, our journey took an unexpected turn.

We found solace on a quiet bench away from the bustling streets, where Lloyd began to pour out his heart. "I never wanted this," he confessed, his voice heavy with emotion. "I just wanted my dad's attention, hence the bad boy act." I listened intently, nodding in understanding, urging him to continue. "I got kicked out of Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys, for being too kind. I didn't fit in whatsoever." His words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Lloyd. "I'm amazed that such a school even exists," I remarked, trying to mask my shock. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you attend there of all places?" Lloyd sighed, a mixture of resignation and regret in his eyes. "It's a long story," he began, "but essentially, I thought it was the path to earning my dad's approval. Turns out, it only led to disappointment." I offered him a gentle smile. "I'm glad you didn't follow in his footsteps. Carrying such burdens at a young age is incredibly tough. I truly empathize with you." His smile, though faint, warmed my heart, and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Thanks, I guess," he murmured, his vulnerability shining through. And so, Lloyd continued to unravel his story, each word revealing more layers to his complex character, and with each revelation, I found myself growing closer to understanding the weight he carried on his shoulders.

"Hey, I have an idea to turn your day around," I propose, a mischievous glint in my eye. Lloyd's young face lights up with anticipation. "Really? Tell me, tell me!" he exclaims eagerly, his excitement palpable. I chuckle and shake my head playfully. "You'll see soon enough. Come on, let's go." With that, we rise from the bench and venture back towards the bustling heart of the city. Lloyd, ever the curious one, bombards me with questions about our destination, but I keep my lips sealed, enjoying the mystery. As we walk side by side, I notice his mood lifting, replaced by a newfound sense of curiosity and anticipation. A smile tugs at my lips as I spy the familiar sign in the distance: "Trampoline Park."

As we approach the trampoline park, Lloyd's eyes light up with recognition. "Are we going to the trampoline park?" he asks eagerly, and I nod, a smile playing on my lips. It's a classic choice, but one that rarely fails to bring joy to a child's face. Stepping inside, I take care of the admission while Lloyd expresses a shy "thank you," to which I respond with a gentle ruffle of his hair and a reassuring smile. Once he's donned the required non-slip socks, I encourage him to explore, assuring him that I'll be nearby if he needs anything. With a nod and a bright smile, he bounds off excitedly.

Taking a seat, I observe the lively scene before me: children bouncing and laughing, the sound of their joy filling the air. I settle in, pulling out my phone and slipping in some earphones, content to let Lloyd revel in his own excitement while I enjoy a moment of peace as I close my eyes.

As I step into the garden, a sense of wonder envelops me, the vibrant colours of the flora and the gentle rustle of leaves creating a serene atmosphere. The sunlight dances through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns on the lush grass below. My gaze is drawn to a magnificent tree at the heart of the garden, its branches reaching skyward like the outstretched arms of an ancient guardian.

As I draw nearer to the tree, the orbs hanging from its branches come into sharper focus, each one pulsating with its own unique glow. I'm struck by the realization that these orbs are not mere decorations but windows into Lloyd's soul, each one a vivid reflection of his innermost thoughts and feelings including his memories.

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