Serendipitous Strength

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It's the morning, and the routine of preparing for school is interrupted by the arrival of the postman. I hear my mum sorting through the mail, her sigh indicating the usual assortment of bills and flyers. But then she calls out to me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "Looks like you've got some mail, y/n." I pause mid-bite, intrigued. Who could be sending me something? It must be important. As she hands me the letter, I can't help but notice its elegant appearance, standing out among the mundane stack.

I eagerly grab the letter, its rich purple hue and elaborate calligraphy catching my eye. With a hint of excitement, I tear it open. Inside, a letter awaits me, accompanied by a falling card. As I read through the details, my eyes widen in surprise. An invitation to a gala? My heart quickens with anticipation.

According to the letter, it's an exclusive event reserved for select citizens of Ninjago, and the dress code is formal. The thought of attending such an upscale affair fills me with excitement, reminiscent of childhood dreams of dancing with a knight in shining armour. Yes, I decide, I'll go. What could possibly go wrong? The glossy card that tumbles out turns out to be an identity card, a curious addition. Glancing at the time, I realize I need to hurry off to school. With a sense of newfound anticipation, I set off for the day's adventures.

I settle into my seat in the middle row of the lecture hall, opting for a spot that strikes a balance between visibility and blending in with the crowd. As I wait for the lecturer to arrive, I take a moment to double-check my gym bag, ensuring I have everything I need. Today marks my decision to finally hit the gym after class—a plan I've been contemplating for a while. With a three-hour gap before my next class, it seems like the perfect opportunity to kickstart this new adventure. Plus, getting stronger not only opens up new possibilities for exciting activities but also comes with its own physical perks.

As the lecturer launches into a detailed discourse on the intricacies of the human body, I diligently jot down notes, considering myself the epitome of multitasking prowess. However, amidst the scholarly ambiance, a soft chorus of snores emanates from the neighbouring desk. Suppressing a laugh, I stealthily glance to my right, where I find a fellow student peacefully dozing off, completely oblivious to the lecture. With a mirthful grin threatening to break through, I return to my notes, silently marvelling at the irony of future medical professionals succumbing to the universal allure of mid-lecture naps.

With a newfound determination pulsing through my veins, I stride towards the gym, each step echoing my commitment to this new chapter of self-improvement. After paying for a day pass, I make my way to the locker rooms, where I shed my scholarly façade and transform into workout attire: shorts and an oversized top, the uniform of the determined. Stepping into the gymnasium, I'm greeted by the reassuring sight of relatively sparse attendance, a fortuitous circumstance for a beginner like me. Yet, as I survey the array of exercise equipment before me, I'm struck by a sudden realization—I have no clue where to start. Ignoring the inward groan of exasperation, I mentally prepare to navigate this uncharted territory, silently resolving to figure it out as I go along.

I look at the weight racks and all the different machines in curiosity... I guess I will begin with arms, sure. I tentatively reach for the seven-kilo dumbbells and attempt alternating hammer curls, but the weight feels like an insurmountable challenge in my hand. Am I seriously that weak? With a tinge of embarrassment, I sheepishly retreat to select lighter weights and repeat the exercise, albeit with slightly better results. Still, I can't shake the feeling that my form is off, but I soldier on, completing eight reps per set.

Awkwardly standing amidst the equipment during my one-minute break, I distract myself with some music, attempting to appear nonchalant. But as I launch into my fourth rep, a voice pierces through the gym's ambient noise. "What on earth are you doing?" I turn to see a much taller guy with black hair, his expression a mix of amusement and concern. "Uhhh, alternating hammer curls," I reply, feeling a bit self-conscious.

He chuckles and shakes his head, assessing my form. "Your form is all wrong. Here, let me help out. You don't mind, right?" I eagerly nod, grateful for the guidance. With his assistance, I adjust my posture and learn the proper technique for the exercise. "Now try," he encourages.

As I complete a set, a rush of excitement floods through me. "Oh my god! I can feel my muscles," I exclaim, unable to contain my enthusiasm. Eager to witness the results, I turn to the mirror in front of us and flex my arms, noticing a slight bump forming. "LOOK LOOK, my muscle has popped out!" I declare triumphantly, turning to him with childlike enthusiasm.

But his response brings me back down to earth. "I quite literally don't see anything," he quips, his tone laced with humour. My excitement deflates slightly at his observation. "Maybe you need glasses," I retort, teasingly, attempting to salvage some of my pride.

He lifts his arms up in defence, chuckling. "Hey now, no need for all that." We share a laugh, and he introduces himself. "The name's Cole. If you need any help, I'm out and about here."

His name sounds oddly familiar, but I brush it off. "Awesome, my name's Y/n. Do expect me to come up for some help at some point," I joke. He laughs, and our interaction leaves me feeling a newfound sense of confidence in this unfamiliar gym environment.

I continue with my exercises, feeling more confident with each movement. Glancing at Cole, I can't help but notice his muscular physique. He's clad in an orange tank top paired with black sweats, his dedication to fitness evident in every sinewy muscle.

Returning to my routine after a refreshing swig of water, I focus on a dumbbell triceps extension, savouring the satisfying crack of my back as I lift the weight overhead. The up-and-down motion behind my head feels invigorating, and I relish the burn in my muscles.

Deciding to tackle one more exercise, I approach Cole during his rest period. "Hey Cole, mind lending me some expertise again?" I ask, showing him the workout on my phone that's been puzzling me. He nods understandingly. "Ah yes, that one can be tricky for beginners," he remarks sympathetically.

After setting up the machine, Cole demonstrates the cable shoulder extension with precision. His guidance is invaluable as he adjusts my arms into the correct position. "You should feel a good squeeze in your arms when done correctly," he advises. Following his instructions, I begin the exercise, feeling the targeted muscles engage.

"Wow, thanks so much," I express my gratitude, impressed by the immediate impact of his guidance. Cole smiles warmly. "No problem at all. I'll leave you to it then," he says, resuming his own workout.

As I continue my routine, the tranquil atmosphere is interrupted by the sound of voices and the opening of the gym door.

As I glance through the corner of my eyes, my heart skips a beat. No way. It's Lloyd, Kai, Jay, and another guy—wait, scratch that, a nendoroid? Their voices boom as they talk over each other, and I suddenly feel overwhelmed. I'm not prepared for any conversations right now.

Quickly finishing my set, I wipe down the handles and pull up my hood, hoping to go unnoticed as I make my way to the treadmill. Thirty minutes of cardio should give me a decent escape. I can hear them chatting with Cole, and that's when it finally hits me: that was the guy on the phone with Kai.

What kind of timing is this? And how is it that they're all connected? It's beyond me. And now they have a whole robot with them too? I knew Ninjago was advanced, but not this advanced. However, all that aside, it does make sense why Lloyd would be here; he is the green ninja, after all. How funny it would be if his whole gang was here.

Hold up, I ponder on that thought as I speed up to a jog. No way. I glance back at them, and they are all colour-coordinated. Hmm, I need to search this up quickly after I get home because there's no way. However, there's one missing if it truly is their team.

"I'll go warm up real quick, guys," Lloyd announces, and Jay adds, "Hey, I'll join you as well." And of course, with my luck, Lloyd takes the treadmill right next to me, and Jay takes one beside him. I glance down at the ground to hide myself a little bit more and turn on my music again, which I had paused earlier. This is just great.

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