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Kai dialed her number, after a good half hour of reading their messages over and over. He was a bit too attached for his own good.

Lily picked up almost immediately. "Is something wrong?" she mumbled sleepily.

"Did I wake you?" he asked, worried. she groaned a 'no', assuring him that she was taking a break from studying and needed to be up anyways. He still felt bad.

"Is something wrong, Kai?" the way she said his nickname sent an eruption of butterflies throughout him, turning his face an unnatural shade of red.

He was lucky she couldn't see him.

Kai feared that the next time she asked, he may give her his full name. Like government full name. Then ask to take his last–stop. He cuts off his own train of thought and finally replied.

"No, no. Nothing's wrong," he stays silent for a moment. "I'm just...bored"

Lily laughed from the other side of the line. She'd been sleeping when he called, his specialized ringtone catching her off guard and waking her up. She wouldn't tell him that though. She didn't want him to feel bad.

"Well, that's not good now, is it? what should we do?"

Kai hummed in response. "dunno'. what'd you wanna do?"

"Twenty questions?" Lily asked, already getting excited.

Kai stifled a laugh and hummed in confirmation. "Lets play twenty questions."

"Okay, uhm, what's your favorite color?"

He took no time thinking, just imminently responding with the first thing that came to mind. "Probably blue."

With Lily, he didn't need his careful or calculated personality. he could just be himself, judgment-free. Maybe that's why he likes her.

"Just blue? C'mon Kai, is that the best you got? Gimme the shades, the hues, the feels."

He stifled another laugh as Lily ranted. "Well, I like dark blue. Like navy. What about you, Lily? what's your favorite color?"

She took no time to respond either. "Sage green, it's so light and pretty. I want a man who's the color sage green."

Kai didn't bother asking what that meant. Over the two months they've been friends, he learned that she says questionable things, that shouldn't be questioned.

But, he didn't know what sage green was. He knew green. But sage green was foreign to him. So, like any person very infatuated with another, he searched it up.

"Okay," Lily murmured, while Kai was looking at pictures of sage, "Let's speedrun this. I ask, you answer."

Kai let out a deep sigh, already knowing he wouldn't be able to get out of this.






"What does that mean," he sighed into the phone, knowing he wouldn't get a response.

"Shut it. favorite song?"

"I, uh, I don't know."

"C'mon everyone has a favorite song," she urged.

"I'm not everyone," he said, smugly. Lily could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Right, 'cause you're a no-one," she laughed lightly. The sound made Kai's heart burst with flutters. Just like the first time he heard it. All he wanted was to make her laugh again. To hear her laugh again.

"Oh fuck you," he mumbled.

Of course, that didn't stop Lily from hearing. "When and where?"

"Right now, my place," he rebutted.

"Sorry; not until the first date love," she internally laughed. She didn't want him to hear Jer laugh. what if it's ugly?

Is she asking me on a date? Kai thought to himself. He brushed the idea off. No way.

"Don't call me that," he joked, but coming off all too serious. The nickname, her calling him love, made him want to go prance around and frolic in fields with cupid, sprinkling rose petelss through the air.


Lily could hold back her laugh. "oh, you ansolute loser!"

"Hey, hey, hey. thats my nickname for you. Be creative," he laughed, and if that wasnt the most beautiful thing Lily had heard that day. She loved him laugh. So much. It's all she wanted to hear.

"Alrighty then, Kai. I still wanna know your name through," Lily said quietly into the phone.

Kai knew he was done for. He had to tell her. Simply had to. "Kian."

Lily choked on her own words. "What?" she barley got out.

Kian took in a deep breath. "my name. its not kai, its kian. people just call me Kai 'cause...actually, I don't know."

Kian, lily muttered under her breath. It suits him.

She liked it. "I like it. my names Lilac, by the way."

Kian took hus turn to choke. The girl whos had hum so inturiged the past two months. her name is Lilac. "Pretry," he mumbled beneath his breath.

Lilac heard, though. She seemed to hear everything. "Thank you," she muttered beneth her breath.

A calming silence fills between them, almost too calm. Lilac is too quiet.

And then she hangs up.


cliffhanger cuz im a bitch and im tired.

ily mwah

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