21|i like him

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Lilac POV

Looking upon my phone screen, my heart bursts in flutters.

He remembers everything. All of it.

Every detail, all the times I said something so insignificant as my memory issues.

I don't know how to react as I look at my screen. How do you react when it feels like the only thing I could think to respond with was 'i like you a lot...like a lot'?

I've only known him about four months. June, July, August, now entering September. And in these four-ish months, I've learned so much about him.

And now I'm scared I might be falling for him, which really is an issue. What is he's ugly?

In all honesty, how do I fall for someone I've never see in in person? For someone that so intently doesn't want to see me? How do I fall for Kian?

First POV do we love it? Hate it?

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