25|nothing's up

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If nothing is nothing, nothing is something, making nothing a thing, which then cancels out the meaning of nothing and makes it something. So when someone says "nothing up" something is definitely up.

"I–uh," Bria says. "That Kian dude sounds a lot like Kian from school." I shake my head from side to side, trying to find an out of this suffocating room.

What was in that water?

Bria seems to be thinking. "What's up," I ask, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Nothing's up," she quickly responds.

Somethings most definitely up.

"Whatever," I huff, "I need some more water, my head hurts."


At 7:33 PM, my GPS said it would take me about ten minutes to get to the club. I told Lilac I'll be there in five, meaning I have to get there in three.

I'm breaking many laws.

But, I'm there by 7:36 PM. Some say it's illegal, I say it's a skill.

I saunter my way into the club, having to use a fake ID my friend Josh made me a while back.

Getting let on without issue, I try and find her.

...Fucking hell. I don't even know what she looks like.

Only one solution now. "Lilac!" I call out. Hopefully, she can recognize my voice. "Lilac!"

About six girls turn and look at me. Fuck.

Okay, change of plans. "Lilac and Bria!"

Two girls, standing by the shots table turn to look at me.

Holy fucking fuck. Nothing could have prepared me for this.

Her hair flows down her back, long and in small waves. Her eyes shine in a green tone I've never seen before this. Her nose is button-like, and her eyes are wide and innocent. Well, as innocent as Lilac can get. Lord knows it isn't much.

Her blonde friend stands next to her.

"Lilac?" I ask, walking up to the two. She shyly nods.

"I'm sorry, do I—do I know you?" Her words are all blurred and fumbled together.

How drunk is she?

"I'm—it uh, it's," I struggle to find my words. How am I blanking on my name?


Her eyes widen as I finish speaking. "O-M-G, you're the guy!" she turns to the blonde girl, "Bria he's the guy!"

"I'm what guy?"

"the guy! You're Kian! oh, I like you!"




she simply nods her head. good god.

a blush overcomes my face, and suddenly I'm very thankful for the flashing lights in the club.


getting them into my car was a struggle, just as I assumed it would be. though, I am pleasantly surprised that she or Bria didn't scream bloody murder.

lilac stumbles into the into the back seat of the car, me in the driver's seat, and Bria gets in the back as well.

"Lilac, where do you live?"

"Are you—" she hiccups, "are ya' trying to get in my pants?"

no, was my immediate thought. I didn't want to.

I wanted to hold her, to care for her, to be able to proudly announce myself as hers. to make her wholeheartedly happy. to be there for her, with her, by her; to stand up for her. I want to be the first thing she sees in the morning. I do.

That's all I want. nothing else.

but I don't say all that. "no, Lily, I do not."

She hums and turns to a window. "Bria, you live next to Lilac, right?" I look at Bria through the rearview mirror. She grunts and nods. 

"Where do you live?"

"I'm not sure," she hums.

oh well fuck me.

what do I do, what do I do?


I figured out what to do. pulling into the driveway of a hotel, I look back at the girls. they're passed out.

She's 17, why was she drunk?

I lean over to wake them up. "lilac," I whisper as I shake her arm, "wake up."

she shakes her head.

fuck. ok.

"Bria," I whisper, shaking her arm. touching her arm feels illegal. she jolts awake like I just screamed a battle cry.

"huh," she says as she looks around frantically.

I explain to her that we are at a hotel, and she gets very defensive saying I'm "lilacs man" and that'd I shouldn't be trying to get in her pants. Why do they all think I'm trying to get in their pants?

"Lilac likes you, dude," she says, which in turn causes me to blush (thank god for the dim lighting outside), and she walks inside.

"Carry me," Lilac mutters. perfect, I would've felt dirty picking her up without her being conscious.

once we get inside, I rent them a room and tell them to provide one extra blanket. Getting them up and into the room was such a hassle, I wonder how kidnappers do it willingly. not that I'm a kidnapper or anything.

they pass out on the bed as I sit on the couch, wondering how to go about this all tomorrow.

That's a tomorrow problem.


hi, im back !!
not rly lol

i only updated cuz i feel so bad. im losing intredt in the book but imma continue cuz a lot of ppl suprisingly like it

anyways, ramadan kareem!! im a muslim for yall who didnt know lolll (anything ive said abt a bf was my man who isnt my man who i dont even like anymore 😞 guys idk what i saw in him)

btw im writing this all before i edit the chapter ans i js know editing is gonna be a bitch guys 😭

post edit: editing was a bitch.

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