Quick Introduction

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Heya, so welcome to this little fanfiction of mine. I wrote this for fun so it might not meet your expectations, if you have any. This is also my first fanfiction, at least on this account, so I might change a bit of the story. Thanks!

Now, a little information on Zara, or whatever name you wanna call her.

As you know from the description... which I hope you read, she has the role of Branch's sister in this version of the movies. I won't give any illustration so her appearance is entirely up to you.

As for her background, she was left behind with Branch and their grandma. Then when Grandma Rosiepuff died, Zara didn't lose her colors cause she was at the house sleeping at the time, so she didn't witness Rosiepuff be taken away.

Also, I might not add every scene in each movie unless absolutely important in the storyline, so sorry if some parts aren't included.

But anyways, hope you enjoy, or don't but see you anyway!!

Expect the description and introduction to change at times.

(I started writing this on my phone during christmas akdkabskavdkvaj)

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