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Back with Hickory and Zara, they were sitting in the bubble, waiting for the bubble to pop.

"Hmm. From how long we've been floating, I had some time to think about something."

Zara said, a little dramatically.

"...It's only been 15 minutes."

Hickory said, questioning why she had to say it so dramatically.

"I know, I know, but that's enough time to think."

Zara defended herself, looking outside the bubble.

"Well, I'd like to hear about these thoughts of yours then."

Hickory said. If Zara was willing to share then why not.

"Well, I've been thinking. Remember how we got attacked by Chaz?"

Zara asked, lying back on the side of the bubble.


Hickory said, wondering where she was going with this.

"Now that I think about it, how did you know he was a bounty hunter looking for Poppy? Mayor Delta didn't know, Queen Essence and King Quincy didn't know, so how come you do? Especially how you know that he was going after Poppy specifically?"

Zara asked, squinting her eyes at him.

"I- I just.. heard of him before and assumed."

Hickory said, a little taken aback by her question, but he tried to keep calm. Zara eyed him for a bit.

"I see... well anyways, I saw you talking with my brother earlier back at the raft, what were you guys talking about?"

Zara asked, and Hickory was both glad and confused on how the topic changed so quickly.

"Y'know, just about Ms. Poppy."

Hickory said, and Zara smiled a bit.

"I'm guessing it was about his little crush on her? I noticed his reactions."

Zara said, crossing her arms.

"You really know him, don't you?"

Hickory said, chuckling a bit.

"Hey, when this is all over with, we should set them up if Branch is too scared to do it himself."

Zara said, smiling mischievously.


Hickory said, holding his hand out, and Zara gladly took it, and the two shook hands. Then the bubble landed on the ground, popping.

"Oh, we're back on land."

Zara said, looking around at their surroundings.

"We should split up, to cover more ground."

Hickory said, already heading in one direction.

Trolls: An Extra AdditionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang