Broken Promise

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A peaceful raft, sailing through a river to get to the Funk Trolls.

"I can make a cortado, a macchiato, latte, we also do drip."

Hickory said, tossing a log into the campfire. Meanwhile, Branch was spying on Hickory from a pole nearby. Putting his binoculars to his eyes while sipping a cup of coffee.

Zara sat down against the pole, she didn't wanna be part of the conversation with Hickory and Biggie, and she also wanted to watch over her brother, even if he was older than her. Over everything, she seemed bored and tired.

"Food's ready."

Hickory said, calling out to the other 3 on the raft, and he cntinued his conversation with Biggie.

"Well, I'll bring more kindlin'."

Poppy said with a southern accent, heading to the campfire with two more sticks for the fire.

"Poppt, maybe it's just me, but are you getting a weird vibe from Hickory?"

Branch whispered, grabbing Poppy's attention, and Zara's too.

"What? No, why? Are you?"

Poppy asked in her normal accent, whispering back to Branch.

"I just.. I don't know. I don't trust him."

Branch whispered, looking through his binoculars. Hickory noticed him and waved at him.

"Well, yeah, but you don't trust anybody, Branch."

Poppy said, trying to defend Hickory.

"Hey, I just want us to be safe. And you know what's not safe? Putting too much trust into a complete stranger."

Branch said, placing his binoculars down on the ground next to Zara, who picked it up and started looking around with it.

"Oh, I see. It's not Hickory you don't trust. It's me. Do you not think I'm a good queen?"

Poppy said, putting the wooden sticks she was holding down on the ground. Zara looked up at them, listening in.

"Wait, what? I didn't say that."

Branch said, trying to reason with Poppy, can you guess what happened? Ding-ding! It didn't work.

"I thought we were friends, Branch. I'm starting to think you don't even know what that means."

Poppy said, looking away from him.

"We are friends. And sometimes that means speaking up if I think you're making a mistake."

Branch said, which made Poppy think for a bit. Then, smooth jazz could be heard nearby.

"Do you hear something?"

Poppy asked as they turned to where the sound came from. They turned to the water, which was bubbling with lit candles.

Then, a troll emerged from the water playing a clarinet. With every note, a rose petal flew out of the clarinet.

"Look at that guy's chest hair."

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