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The week passed by in a hurry, and soon it was the students favorite weekend. Just because the final exam is coming next week, there are many students in the school who choose to stay in school to study hard this week. Even Wang Xiaoquan and his friends have three people left in their dormitory. Only Wang Kun, a foodie, ran home as usual.

Wang Xiaoquan had a very fulfilling week. This is really fulfilling. From six in the morning to ten in the evening, he is busy basically every moment. In the past, he still had time to go to the playground with a group of buddies to play ball and have fun, but what about this week? In addition to taking classes, doing exercises, resting and eating seriously, he spent all his spare time on farming. Shopkeeper Liu was quite considerate. When he delivered the seeds, fruit tree seedlings and poultry babies, he also gave Wang Xiaoquan a set of farm tools, including hoes, shovels, shovels, etc. Such complete equipment was How could he hold back in front of Wang Xiaoquan, a city boy who had never been exposed to farmland since he was a child and was extremely curious about farming? After secretly using his mobile phone to surf the Internet to roughly understand the best cultivation methods of fruit trees, grains, vegetables and fruits, young farmer Wang Xiaoquan began his diligent but happy farming journey.

After Wang Xiaoquan's self-study get out of class every night, he shuttles between the small cubicles of the men's restrooms of different grades and different floors in the school as if fighting guerrilla warfare (in the summer, the dormitory doors of Wang Xiaoquan and his dormitory are usually left open, so it is cool and ventilated. Therefore, Wang Xiaoquan, who has a "guilty conscience", can only give up the perfect base of his dormitory and choose the smelly toilet cubicle. At least he locked the door in the cubicle and it will not make people feel inexplicable o(╯□╰ )o), and stayed there for nearly two hours. It was not until the lights in the teaching building were about to go out that he ran back to the dormitory. Fortunately, he didn't like to stay in class after studying in the evening on weekdays, so he didn't attract the attention of his classmates. Even the other three roommates who lived with him in the dormitory didn't notice anything wrong. In his words, he expressed his sincere envy, jealousy and hatred for Wang Xiaoquan's smart little head, and from time to time he pretended to make sour remarks and made sarcastic remarks.

Although the happy farmer Wang Xiaoquan would be exhausted every time he worked hard in the space, his back ached and his whole body was weak, but he was still enthusiastic and kept working hard, working happily and painfully every day. Especially when he found that his originally thin figure was gradually getting stronger. Not only was his body growing taller rapidly, but even his bamboo-thin arms were gradually getting small muscles. Wang Xiaoquan, who was overjoyed, suddenly worked harder. Boys of this age grow very fast, and some grow several centimeters in a month. In the environment where male students in the class are springing up like mushrooms, the height in the class is just above average. Xiaoquan was very normal, but Teacher Li asked the students to eat more and replenish their nutrition...

After a week of hard work, Wang Xiaoquan delivered twenty apple tree seedlings, twenty pear tree seedlings, and twenty Jujube tree seedlings, twenty persimmon tree seedlings, twenty orange tree seedlings, twenty cherry tree seedlings, twenty fig tree seedlings and twenty banana tree seedlings are all planted on Lichaguo Island. Twenty little chickens, twenty little ducks, twenty little geese, and twenty young rabbits are also living very happily in the small orchard that has just begun to take shape. Wang Xiaoquan always feels that they look the same every day, and they look the same. So fast, in just one week, the little cubs have stepped from the ranks of infants to the ranks of young adults.

Looking at the prosperous orchard exuding vitality, Wang Xiaoquan wakes up from his dreams every day. Someone's bright and blinding smile made the students who were immersed in their studies even more miserable. In order not to be beaten with a sack, someone who caused public outrage could only hold back the joy that filled his heart. Trying to keep a straight face, he walked back and forth among the envious and jealous eyes of his classmates.

J city is located in the south, and it is rainy and hot in summer. Although the rainfall is not heavy every time, it is quite annoying to rain dripping wet all the time. Some people may find it romantic and poetic to encounter such weather once or twice, but what if the weather stays like this for several months in a row? I'm afraid anyone would be very bored. Wang Xiaoquan doesn't like this kind of weather either, but he has lived in this kind of weather for more than ten years. If he doesn't like it, he has become accustomed to it, and he no longer has the irritability and leisure.

The weather was gloomy again early Saturday morning, and the sporadic drizzle continued to fall half-deadly. Wang Xiaoquan had a lot of things to do today. He got up early, drank a large bowl of porridge in the cafeteria and ate three pancakes and rolled potato shreds before he walked out of the school energetically holding an umbrella.

He first went to the stationery shop owner at the school gate and spent dozens of dollars to borrow an electric tricycle. Then he rode the tricycle to several reputable gold shops in the city and sold a total of nearly a dozen taels of gold. After spending more than RMB 100,000, he rushed to the wholesale market to wholesale a few large boxes of notepads and pens, shopkeeper Liu added a thousand dressing mirrors and a dozen half-length mirrors, and dozens of cassette tapes that he planned to give to Qing Xuanzi's immortal brother to please him. and a dozen plate batteries. Wang Xiaoquan rode his bicycle to a dark alley that was not visited by people and quickly put the goods into the space. Then he ran to the snack wholesale market to wholesale several large boxes of snacks. There were sweet milk candies and soft snacks that children loved. Bread, sweet and sour Wahaha, various French fries, shrimp crackers, biscuits, etc., as well as fried foods such as cat ears and twists that older children prefer, and dried fruits such as melon seeds and peanuts. When Wang Xiaoquan walked to the vegetable market, he went in to cut a few kilograms of meat and bought a few fish, which he put on a fully loaded electric tricycle and drove towards the Sunshine Orphanage where he was raised and witnessed his difficult growth.

In fact, Wang Xiaoquan was quite conflicted. Regarding the place that he both loved and hated, he was still immature and didn't know how to face it. He truly loves the place that raised him and provided him with a safe haven from wind and rain. If the orphanage had not adopted him, he might have become a poor beggar, a tool for black-hearted people to make money, and he might even have died prematurely. How could he have a bright future like he does now if he died in a dirty garbage heap without even a chance to go to school?

At the same time, he also hates that place, hates those so-called charitable companies and individuals who are cold and heartless in their eyes and only do superficial things and use them as propaganda tools; hates being in the same boat with those so-called philanthropists. I hate the mean orphanage director, Old Witch Wang; I hate some of the staff who beat and scold the orphans whenever they feel unhappy in private; I even hate some of the shockingly cold and cruel people at a young age who are particularly withdrawn and extreme. Child... Therefore, Wang Xiaoquan also rejected that very uncomfortable place from the bottom of his heart. Just thinking of most of the cute children and the kind-hearted aunts, Wang Xiaoquan tried hard to control the feeling of rejection deep in his heart, tried to recall the good memories over and over again, and finally made up his mind to see those who had the same problem as him His children and the kind aunts who have cared for him for more than ten years.

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