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With sufficient materials, enough time, and the help of three home nanny robots, the efficiency of the construction robot team is extremely fast. Now Wang Xiaoquan's first seaside villa is completely different from before. After Wang Xiaoquan's airship landed in a large courtyard surrounded by a white rock wall, he was stunned by this exquisite and beautiful three-story building as soon as he stepped off the airship! Oh my god, does this really belong to him? This is simply more beautiful than the castles where princes and princesses lived in his dreams after reading fairy tale books when he was a child! (Of course, it may also be due to his lack of imagination when he was a child o(╯□╰)o)

The entire small building is located on the mountain (rock mountain) and faces the sea. It is about fifty meters away from the platinum-gold beach. It is definitely a high-altitude view. A great place to watch the sunrise and enjoy the sea breeze! Large areas of "holes" have been covered with thin and breathable high-tech glass. If it weren't for the large glass doors and windows reflecting the dazzling light under the sunlight, Wang Xiaoquan would not have been able to see where it was. The glass has been installed.

Wang Xiaoquan couldn't wait to enter the door. He was very much looking forward to the layout and decoration of the house! As expected, although the environmental damage on the technological planet is extremely serious, the technological level and quality of life (food is relatively poor) are very high. Although household appliances and furniture are basically made of artificial products, regardless of their aesthetics, , comfort and practicality are all top-notch. Wang Xiaoquan is not very fond of natural solid wood furniture. The main reason is that those items are expensive and require careful maintenance, which is too troublesome. Relatively speaking, it is artificial modular furniture purchased from Planet Technology. More convenient and practical.

The entire house is dominated by Wang Xiaoquan's favorite off-white color, which complements the dark red artificial solid wood flooring. The entire space makes people feel very warm and peaceful. There was a fluffy beige carpet in the center of the living room, and a sky blue modular sofa was placed on it. Wang Xiaoquan took off his shoes and walked forward and sat on the sofa for a while. He felt extremely comfortable, soft and soft, and it exuded... The smell of sunshine makes people feel as if they are bathing in the sun and feel refreshed. I wonder if the manufacturer put it there specially (its true).

To the right of the living room is the kitchen and dining room, which are fully equipped with various high-tech kitchen appliances and simple and elegant decoration. The bright sunlight shines in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows and shines on the clean and tidy kitchen utensils, bowls, dining tables and chairs, and the light-reflecting countertop, making it look extremely beautiful and dazzling. If Li Li saw this scene in her dream kitchen, she would probably go crazy with joy. It's a pity that Wang Xiaoquan only thinks of her as his sister, and she will never be the mistress of this kitchen.

After walking around on the first floor, Wang Xiaoquan stepped onto the metal spiral staircase and walked to the second floor. The second floor is mainly bedrooms, a video room and a study room, as well as a small living room with a balcony. The bedroom is equally simple and bright. In addition to a set of combined wardrobes, an oversized water bed, and a set of fabric sofas and small coffee tables next to the large floor-to-ceiling windows, there are white blankets spread throughout the room. Fortunately, there is a robot nanny to clean it. Otherwise, Just cleaning these carpets takes a lot of effort!

After leaving the bedroom, Wang Xiaoquan walked to the video room. Ever since he used the handheld computer he got from General An, Wang Xiaoquan has been looking forward to and longing for the various entertainment facilities on the technological planet. 3D technology has made great progress in General An. They should be very mature there, right? (Poor Comrade Koizumi hasnt seen a 3D movie yet. He only heard about it when chatting with classmates) I wonder what the quality of their film and television works is? The legendary home theater should be very cool, right? Wang Xiaoquan, who was quite uninformed in some aspects, could only expect so much. When Wang Xiaoquan, who was full of expectations, pushed open the door of the audio-visual room, he was immediately shocked by the thing that didn't know whether it was a wall or a large flat-screen TV. Wow, movie theaters don't have such a big screen. I just don't know the effect. how. Wang Xiaoquan wandered around the audio-visual room. Except for a set of dark red automatic sofas facing the "wall", he didn't recognize any other machines and equipment. The depressed Wang Xiaoquan could only retreat with a wry smile, preparing to tinker with the research when he had free time.

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