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After the phone call at noon that day, Wang Xiaoquan and Qin Han seemed to have become closer. The two of them would often talk on the phone for nothing, telling each other the interesting things and troubles in their lives, and revealing their inner entanglements and confusions. Although they didn't seem to want to spend every second together like ordinary lovers, they still felt like they were together. The relationship between them has indeed become much deeper. If we say that most young people today fall in love completely emotionally, then Wang Xiaoquan and Qin Han are emotional mixed with rationality, and mostly rational. Although sometimes they feel less passionate and romantic, there is also warmth. That's what they want deep down, isn't it?

During these three days of weekend rest, Wang Xiaoquan did nothing special and continued to act as a "waiter" as usual, running up and down the stairs with a large tray filled with hot and fragrant steamed cakes. Now that the weather is getting colder, most customers They prefer steamed cakes that have just come out of the pot, so Wang Xiaoquan and the other six are even more busy than ever. If Wang Xiaoquan hadn't secretly put a lot of body-building elixirs (such as Peiyuan Dan, Qi-Nourishing Pill, Strengthening Pill, etc.) into the soup and porridge they drank to replenish their bodies, they would probably be tired at the end of the day. It's so annoying, how could it be as easy as it is now?

The ginseng and wolfberry medicinal wine that Wang Xiaoquan brewed according to the secret recipe was basically drinkable. He brewed a lot this time and got a large glass jar to send to Qin Han. He also installed a glass bottle for Wang Kun's house and gave it to him. He was very grateful and liked it. The teachers each gave a bottle, and the rest was placed in the living room at home, where a few drunkards in the family who were greedy for wine could drink. But you can only take a small cup a day, otherwise, you will wait for your nose to bleed into a river. This is Comrade Wang Lins bloody lesson! Although this medicinal wine is made of exquisite ingredients and has excellent maintenance effects, its effects are not intense. People who drink it usually just look better and have more energy. Only after drinking it for a period of time can the effects slowly take effect, so as to strengthen the body and eliminate hidden diseases. role.

What Wang Xiaoquan gave out was basically a course of treatment. Considering that the person he gave it to was unlikely to drink it himself, Wang Xiaoquan planned to wait until the Chinese New Year to give some to them. In this way, the effect will be less likely to show up, but it will be less likely to cause any uproar. As for the source of ginseng and other medicinal materials, Wang Xiaoquan had already thought of the excuse before brewing it, and blamed everything on Qin Han. The two later made a "confession", so naturally there would be no big problem.

You can't blame Wang Xiaoquan for being too cautious. He was really scared when he saw that many plane merchants had to hide in plane malls to avoid trouble. He who has a home but cannot return can only live alone in the metal city day after day, year after year. Wang Xiaoquan really can't think of what will happen if he is exposed! So he had to be careful every step of the way, at least this way it would be safer!

On Saturday, everyone went to the orphanage to visit the children as usual. Wang Xiaoquan only missed the visit twice. Unexpectedly, he found that there were many new faces in the orphanage and many old faces were missing. After further questioning, I learned that the new director's aunt was very good at running the "hospital" and had "sold out" many children. Wang Xiaoquan didn't know how to comment on this kind of thing. Indeed, helping the children find adoptive parents and families that accept them not only solves the problem of too many children in the orphanage, but also allows the children to live in a more normal environment. In life, it is indeed understandable for the new dean and aunt to do this. But seeing the humble children being selected like commodities, Wang Xiaoquan couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart. They are the same people but have different fates. These children have not yet enjoyed the beauty of this world, but they have to accept its cruelty! At the same time, I can't help but feel resentful towards those parents who abandon their children. Since you are not going to be responsible for them and raise them, why did you choose to give birth to them? Let them have to face such cruel helplessness at a young age? !

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