CHAPTER: 22 Arduous Task

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This particular chapter contains sensitive content which some people might find offensive, disturbing, or traumatizing. This chapter contains scenes of gore and annihilation. I don't mean to trigger some people here. You may choose to read after the arrow. Reader discretion is advised.

Everything before her vision is blurry. This is an apartment. Everything in here is messed up. Kitchen sink is filled with dirty dishes and flies are present there, their is trash all over the place and a girl is ahead of her, scared and shivering.

"Ava, d...don't be scared. Sis is here. Nothing will ha...happen to you."

With this Zaidie realized that she has successfully entered.

"Si... sis. I am scared!", she said. She is following her host's memories so, she has no control over herself.

The most terrifying thing there was noises. Distant shrieking, chittering, clicking and gunshots could be heard. Those were combatants trying to save people by clearing Greymoss.

Upon looking outside by the window, she found that the sky was covered with fog and some still burning ashes was present in it.

Probably by bombing to wipe out the area.

Suddenly, the clicking sound neared and a Greymoss climbed on their balcony.

It was huge. Grey in color with large legs, humongous tentacles to shoot their opponent, had large teeth to tear their prey, big nostrils with flat nose and had small antenna on its head.

They both got terrified and started shrieking.

They were sticking to each other leaving no air in between because of fear.

"Ava. No...nothing will happen to you until I am here. D...Don't be scared", said Ava's sister to her.

'Yes Ava! Your sis will definitely save you', Zaidie tried mentally encourage Ava.

"No! Sis... It...It'll eat us!" Ava was terrified.

Greymoss broke that glass door easily and came towards them. The clicking sound he was making with his tentacles and those light huffs of his showed his satisfaction for finding food.

Ava's sister covered Ava with her whole body to protect her sister.

Ava was very scared as she knew this creature is gonna eat them.

"No. Sis, it'll eat you!", shouted Ava while clenching her sister's clothing.

But, Ava's scream ignited him and without any further ado, he started ravaging her sister. Little Ava got even more scared and she started screaming more and more. Zaidie, who had control on half of her mental sea also got disturbed with that scene.

It was hard for her but she had to do it.

Zaidie must do it in order to save Ava.

Zaidie started consoling her, 'Ava, your sister did this to save you! You need to be strong!'

"No! Sister!", Ava, who was crying frantically refuted.

'She'll be upset. You have to be strong'

"My sister! He...He ate her"

'She sacrificed herself to save you, Ava!'

"Sister!", Ava who was in panic gradually started to listen.

Zaidie heard footsteps which confirmed her patients survival and this treatment is nearing.

'Yes. She is watching you from above.'

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