Chapter 1: He's a Runner, He's a Track Star

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Chapter 1: He's a Runner, He's a Track star

I was not at all prepared for the transition between junior varsity track and varsity track at my school. I would say I did pretty well as a junior, but going into my senior year means I'm going to have to work hard. I dominated throughout JV and won all of the titles to bring home the state championship. Coach Wilson has been working with me for the past two years and wants me to compete in my senior year with the varsity squad. Talk about big pressure but I know I can do it. That's why I'm hoping to train all summer since school is officially out.

My name is Alex Wright Jr., but my teammates call me "A Dub" When I compete I'm usually winning and leaving the other boys in the dust. I'd agree with them mostly because of my great genetics from my parents. They were both athletes in high school and college and it was natural for me to compete. I come from an upper-class family and they expect nothing but the best from me. That can be a lot of pressure for a young man like myself on top of maintaining a 4.0 GPA. My father is from Puerto Rico and came to the University of Florida on a full scholarship for track and field. After college, he got accepted into medical school and became a doctor and has one of the fastest growing family medicine practices in Gainesville. My mother is African-American and is also a graduate and former athlete of U of F. She's currently campaigning for a seat to be a judge in our local county. As far as siblings, I have a younger sister named Jasmine. She's a freshman and is heavily into gymnastics. She's probably the closest to me and I'm thankful she's close in age with me because she knows most of my secrets but I haven't always been truthful to her or myself.

I consider myself a really good looking guy, most people refer to me as a pretty boy and they are absolutely right. My parents blessed me with some damn good genes and I can't be even more proud. I stand at about 5'9 and weigh in around 145 pounds. My skin tone is light brown or caramel complexion and I have hazel-green eyes and dark brown curly hair. I keep it faded on the sides and curly at the top. Thank goodness for braces because a few years ago, my smile was looking a mess and my lips are pink and full and compliment my smile. I've been working on my body esthetics for the past two years and hitting the gym has paid off. My body is chiseled like a Greek god and I'm mostly muscle with 3 percent body fat. I have an amazing 6 pack that compliments my tight V-shape right around my hips. I would have to say that my ass is my best asset on my body because it's just so perfectly round and muscular; it goes well with my hamstrings and strong legs. As far as my dick, unfortunately I didn't get the biggest jewel in the box, but I'm okay with that, maybe it will grow later in life!

"Alex...Alex, Alex what the hell are you doing son?" "I've been calling your name for the past 20 minutes." "Sorry Dad, I was packing up my gym bag and getting ready for today's practice with Coach and the boys."

I can't wait until I get my own car so I don't have to rely on my dad to take me to school and practice. This shit is so annoying. I mean I am of age and have my drivers license, but dad insists that having a car isn't the right time for me. They better have a damn car for me on graduation! I've worked my ass off for the past 4 years and keeping a 4.0 GPA isn't easy at my school. He also doesn't want me to work and feels that if I get a job I will lose focus. He says that I have it lucky because in Puerto Rico he had to work and literally walk to school.

"What time does practice end for you?" "I'm not sure Dad, this is the first practice of the Summer so I can let you know when we are finishing up." "Okay, we need to head out now because I have a meeting with the nurses at 10."

"Yes sir" "Hey dad can we talk about getting me a car?" "This is my senior year and I don't want to be the only student that has to have his parents drop him off for school."

"We've already discussed this and the answer is no."

I grabbed a couple of granola bars and a protein shake from the fridge and hopped in the car. As we pulled out of the driveway and made our way towards the gate of our neighborhood, I just realized that I left my water bottle in the fridge.

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