Chapter 12: Graduation

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Chapter 12: Graduation

Life has been a bit of a tornado for me these past few days. I'm so torn about what's happening with Josh and I have to remain and stay focused for the rest of the school year. Mom and Dad were able to get Josh out of jail and I ended up staying the night with him and we sat up and talked the entire night. I asked Josh what happened and why he was caught up in something so crazy like that. He said that everything was good until he and his cousin were at a gas station and his cousin went up to buy some weed from this guy in a black SUV. Turns out the deal went bad and the guy shorted him on the weed. He got upset and pulled out the gun to get his money back but the guy in the SUV pulled out a gun as well. He feared for his life and started shooting at the guy and jumped in the car. I was on the passenger side and didn't know what was going on and why he peeled off so fast. Josh stated that they were eventually stopped by the police and he put the gun in Josh's lap and told him to take the charge. So here we are, senior year and my best friend has to go to court and fight for his life and possibly miss out on a great life.

Today, I decided to go on a run to clear my head and try to make sense of all the things that were going on in my world. Coach Jay and Coach Wilson want to meet with me and my parents, along with Josh and his Mother to discuss what's going to happen for the remainder of the school year. I just take each day as it comes and try to stay focused with school and track. Sometimes I just want to escape and run away and never come back.


Coach Jay: Hey Alex, can you meet me in my office before everyone else tomorrow?

Alex: Hey Coach, yes what time works for you?

Coach Jay: Let's say around 3pm, right after school.

Alex: Sounds good, see you soon.

I wondered what Coach wanted to see me about. I hope it wasn't any more bad news. For the rest of the run back to the house, I couldn't help but to think about Coach. I could go for some tension release and just have my hole thrashed right now. I keep playing Coach Jay's dick over and over in my head and the more I think about it the more I want it. I got back to the house and jumped out of my running shorts. As I pulled them off and stepped out of my tighty whities, I started to look at myself in the mirror and admire my really hot body and how sculpted my figure had become. I look like a work of art, I can't believe how tight my abs are and how flat and small my waist is. My ass looked so good in the mirror and for the first time, I bent over to take a look at my hole and pushed it out and it was so pink and throbbing. I turned myself on looking at it more and more until finally I stuck my finger in there and started massaging my hole. All I could think about was Coach Jay's massive dick pounding me and making me whimper like his bitch.


"Alex, how was your day, son? Asked Dad.

"Uh Dad, I'm not dressed, I'm getting ready to step in the shower."

"Okay, when you're done, come down stairs, your mother and I want to talk." Dad said.

Crap! I'm always getting interrupted. I stopped playing with myself and jumped in the shower and put on my pajamas pants and t-shirt and went downstairs. Dad and Mom were lounging in the family room watching tv.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes son, have a seat," Dad said.

"Your mother and I have been thinking about your college and have put much thought into where you want to go." "We both agree to flying out to LA next month during your spring break to visit USC." "How does that sound?" Dad asked.

"WHAT?" I yelled. "Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes, we want you to visit the school and check everything out if you're considering going." said Mom.

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