Chapter 5: Family Ties

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Chapter 5: Family Ties

Sunday was here and I got up and took a hot shower. I had to get the night off me and brush my teeth 3 times. Last night was like a movie and I was the starring actor. I can't believe everything went down like it did. I had no intentions to run into Conner last night and I didn't even know he was gay or bi or whatever. I'm also in shock because he has a girlfriend and he sucked my dick at her house. Just so many thoughts are running through my head.

"Alex, your dad is calling you," said Josh.

"Thanks!" I said.

My dad picked me up around 1 pm and we headed back home. When we got in the car he started asking me how the weekend was with Josh and what we ended up doing. I told him the usual and we played video games and watched movies all night. I told Dad that Ms. Williams fixed us breakfast every morning and she asked about you and Mom. I mentioned that Mom is running for District 7 Judge and that Dad's practice is doing well.

"Did you know that District 7 is where Josh lives? That's the inner city and if your mom gets elected new Judge, I believe there are going to be some big changes for that neighborhood. They've been talking about gentrification and cleaning it up." Dad said.

"I had no idea Dad, but that's got to be a good thing right because there's nothing wrong with cleaning up a poor neighborhood!" I stated.

"Yes you're right son, but the real question is, where will the people go who will have to move out?" Dad mentioned.

Surely I wouldn't think mom would allow Ms. Williams and her family to be subject to poverty? I know that area has a lot of work that needs to be done, but it's a good neighborhood. I can't imagine mom doing my second family like that. I'm going to ask her what will happen if she does become Judge.

"Did you get a chance to meet attorney Peter Smith at the Ritz the other night?" "That's your mother's colleague and he's also helping out as campaign manager. His family are coming over for Sunday dinner tonight." Dad said.


I need to find a way to escape this, there's no way I'm going to be entertaining Conner tonight and his family after what just happened at Melissa's party. I haven't even gathered myself from what just happened a few hours ago and now this dude is coming to my house for dinner!

"Alex, welcome home son, how was your weekend with Josh and his family?" asked mom.

"It was great! Ms. Williams asked about you."

"I love that woman, she knows how to throw down in the kitchen. Alex, we need to invite her over soon." mom said.

"Why don't we invite her and the family over tonight?" "I mean mom you are running for the district Josh and her live in and it would be perfect to have them here at the house." I said.

Talk about trying to get out of an awkward situation, because I don't want to be left alone with Conner. I know he's going to try and do something or talk about what happened last night and I'm not ready for that to happen here at the house! I hope and pray that mom says yes and we can get them over for dinner.

"I don't see why not, it's been a while since she's been to the house and it would be good to see Josh and Jarissa." mom said.

"Sure I think that's great honey, we can call the cater and put in an order for more food." Dad said.

"I'll save them the trouble of finding a ride out here and call them an Uber Black." Dad mentioned.

OMG! I could jump in my parents arms right now because it worked! I can't believe I spoke up and made a voice for myself and it worked. I guess this is what it feels like to become a man, well I like it! I see the respect I'm getting around here these days! Let me get on the phone and call Josh!

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