Chapter 11: The Last Run

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Chapter 11: The Last Run

Dear Journal,

We've come a long way and I'm half-way through the school year. Just in a few weeks I will be competing for the first time in my senior year. It seems like time is just flying by and I still haven't decided on where I want to go to college. Dad promised me that we will check out USC this year and hopefully I can get a tour of the campus during my spring break. It seems like there's a lot to do as a senior and I am overwhelmed by so much. I started prepping for the SATs this week and I'm thinking about prom. Also I have even bigger news, Mom secured enough votes to be elected the new Judge for District 7! Life has been happening hella fast for the Wright's but we are going strong. I had to officially take a break from Conner because he was just getting in the way and he and Melissa needed to work things out. I'm starting to see less and less of Josh these days and he's been hanging around some new guys from his neighborhood, and last but not least, there are two graduations coming up, one for me and one for Coach Jay!

"YOOO A-dub, these new track uniforms are dope! Good pick on the gear," said Josh.

"Yeah Coach Jay and I put these orders in some weeks ago and I'm surprised they came as fast as they did." I said.

"Team, gather around, we have our first competition and it's against Baylor Academy." "They are strong in numbers and have kept a solid record for the past couple of years." "This will be a tough one, but I'm counting on everyone to step up and give it their all." We have brand new uniforms this year, thanks to your team Captain, Alex!" Coach Jay said.

Coach was going on and on about this competition, but I wasn't hearing him that much. I was ready to run and get my run in and win. I've been practicing literally all year and it's time to put the hard work to the test.

"Josh, what you got going this weekend bro?" I asked.

"Man just chillin with my cousins on my Mom's side of the family." "They are getting together on Saturday to chill, you wanna pull up?" asked Josh.

"Nah, I'm cool bro, I got some studying to do and I also need to start looking into taking the pretest for the SAT." I said.

"Man, what's up bro, we suppose to be chillen our senior year and having fun," said Josh.

"We will have plenty of time to chill, but you need to get your head in the game and take your last semester seriously." "I thought you were trying to get into the University of Florida?" I asked.

"Man bro you know my grades ain't that good to get in there, hell I'm barely making it out of Overton." said Josh.

"Remember we talked about going off to college together last year?" I said.

"Yeah, but shit has changed, A-Dub." said Josh.

"Just try to stay focused man and if you want we can study for the SAT together." I said.

"Nah, I'm good on that." "I ain't as smart as you, and plus I don't have a college fund lined up to get me in." said Josh.

"That's bullshit, you're just as smart as me if you apply yourself and actually give a damn!" I declared.

"Oh now you wanna jump in my face about SATs and college when we only 4 months away from graduation?" "Where was the sympathy and help for me then?" "My Daddy ain't there for me like yours is, my Daddy is strung out on drugs and never fucking cared." "You one of the good ones, and you one of the niggas that made it out and has a silver spoon in his mouth." said Josh.

"Silver spoon in my mouth?" I yelled. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled.

"I've busted my ass for 4 damn years at this school and not once did I ask for any type of hand outs. "I DID THIS!" "I did this shit on my own with hard work and some fucking dedication." I said. "So don't come at me with bullshit Josh because you're lacking in school and don't fucking care about your future." I yelled.

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