Chapter 10: Anticipation

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Chapter 10: Anticipation

"Mom, have you seen Dad?" I asked.

"He took Jaz to gym practice this morning, they should be home later this afternoon." Mom said.


"Everything okay?"

"Yes ma'am, Coach Jay is picking me up at 12 today, we are going to the sports store to select our new uniforms for the track season." I said.

"Oh how exciting, I want to be sure to be at your meets this year, so please let me know the dates so your father and I can attend."

"Yes ma'am."

"Voting starts next week Mom, are you nervous?" I asked.

"No, not at all, I think we have a good chance at getting the seat." "The polls are looking good from the early voters and we've been campaigning in District 7 pretty heavily." Mom said.

"That's exciting Mom!"

"We will know for sure next week Son, wish your mommy good luck!"


Coach Jay: Hey Alex, I'm finishing up some work and I'll head your way in about an hour or so.

Alex: Awesome see you soon Coach.


Conner: Hey man, what's up, I've been trying to get with you for the past couple of days. Is everything cool?

Alex: Yo bro, all is good, just been super busy this week and I'm spending the day with my track Coach to get some things for the new season.

Conner: What time will you be back?

Alex: I'm not sure bro, but I will more than likely be gone the entire day.

Conner: Damn that sucks, I was seeing if you wanted to hang out and grab some food later.

Alex: Maybe another time C!

It seems like I get either a text message or phone call from Conner at least once a day. I find it so ironic that he finds time for me to chill and hang out but constantly avoids his girlfriend. I might have to break the news to him and slowly call it off. Conner is cool and all but we've been spending way too much time together and everytime we link up, he has some alcoholic drink in his car. I got into my room and showered and picked out some clothes to wear for my day with Coach Jay. We are heading into the Fall season, so I think some sweat pants and a hoodie will do for today. I want to make sure I'm smelling good and also looking good for Coach as well. I slipped on a white pair of my Calvin Klein briefs and some socks and t-shirt. I turned on some music in my room and was dancing a little bit and getting ready.

"Hey Alex, I'm going to run to the grocery store and grab a few things, I'll see you later tonight. Tell Coach Jay I said hello and be careful hunny. I love you!" Mom yelled.

"Thanks Mom, I love you too!"

I looked down at my phone and it was ringing, OMG, Coach Jay is here! I buzzed him in so he could get through the gate. Within a few minutes Coach Jay pulls into my driveway and blows the horn. I grabbed my cellphone and wallet and rushed out the door. His blue Jeep Wrangler was looking so clean and shiny.

"Coach!" "This Jeep is badass dude and you keep it so clean." I said.

"I try to but it costs to keep this Jeep up." Coach Said.

"So what do you have in mind for the uniforms?"

"I don't know, that's why I have you with me today, Team Captain!"

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