Chapter 8: Birthday Boys

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Chapter 8: Birthday Boys

Dear Journal,

Today marks Saturday, July 20th and I'm 18 years old. I don't feel like an adult, but legally I am and the true test of manhood is here. This Summer has been great and I've managed to meet some amazing new people in my life. Coach Jay has literally taken me under his wing and has been working with me all Summer and making sure that I stay in the best condition and accomplish my goals. He's poured a lot of wisdom and experience in me and I'm forever grateful. Now that I'm of legal age, I wonder will he make any moves towards me or has he caught on how many times I've stared at his bulge. Every time I get around him I just feel so good inside and a sense of comfort that can't be described. I'm not going to lie, I'm a big chicken when it comes to initiating anything. I'm doing my best to work on that and I just gotta dive right in sometimes. I'm not as brave as my new friend Conner because he isn't afraid to take risks; especially going after what he likes. Maybe I should be more like Conner and just go for it sometimes and deal with the repercussions later. I don't know! I just don't want to make a fool of myself and deal with the shame and embarrassment.



"Happy Birthday son!" says Dad.

"Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it and you even have a small cupcake." I said.

"Make a wish Alex," says Jasmine.

Mmmm, make a wish you say. I wish for Coach Jay to show up at my party and we have some alone time in my room and he rips my clothes off and......

"Wow, this is great!" I said.

As I blew out the candle, I was thinking some naughty thoughts, but I changed it and wished that I finish out the year strong and get accepted into a college I'm going to truly like. My Dad is insisting that I apply for Ivy League schools, but I just don't know where I want to go to school.

"Okay everyone, we have a busy day today and the party planner is on her way. I have decorations set up at 11am, food delivered by noon, and guests arriving at 1pm. Chop, Chop, let's roll!" Mom said.

"Alex, son. How do you feel today?" said Dad.

"I feel great Dad, I'm a little on the edge because there will be a lot of people here and Josh is also celebrating too." I stated.

"Yes, but this is a big day for you, you are 18 my boy, you're finally a man. I mean you've been a man, but you are my big man now and I'm so proud of you and proud to call you my son. Your mother and I are pleased." Dad said.

"Thanks Dad."

My phone was buzzing all night and now I'm getting rings and snaps, text messages, and even emails all at once. Josh was the first person to call me this morning and I know he's just as excited as I am. I can't wait to see everyone today. I took a long hot shower and put on some swimming trunks and a t-shirt and proceeded down to the club house to help everyone set up. Josh and his family arrived and they all are helping with setting up.

"Alex, here's a little gift from myself, Jarissa, and Josh." "It isn't much, but we still wanted to celebrate you and also thank you for celebrating my son on your special day." Ms. Williams said.

"Are you kidding? Josh is my brother and we do everything together, it was only right to have a joint bday celebration!" I said.

"Well we appreciate you and love you." said Ms. Williams.

"I love yall too." I said.

By this time everything was set up, food was out, and the music was playing on the bluetooth speaker. All of the guests were arriving and the track team and Mr. Wilson showed up. I was shocked that he came and wanted to hang out with a bunch of teenagers. I spotted a really big SUV pull into the club house and as I was looking through the windows, I saw Mr. Smith and family get out and walk to the place. Everything seemed like it was happening so fast, but here we are! Time to be a big boy now!

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